Possible vacation spots for a couple?

2013-08-20 4:41 am
I would like to go in late December, early January and I would like to stay in the north east US. I would like the trip to cost no more than $700-800. If you know of anywhere good I would appreciate it.

回答 (3)

2013-08-20 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
go to Cape Cod
it will be the off season, hotel rates will be much lower, and there will be less to do
but the beaches and hiking trails will be year round (though swimming will not be an option)
參考: ..
2013-08-20 6:07 pm
How long are you going for and where are you coming from?

Without that information there is no accurate answer.
2013-08-20 5:51 am
Port Huron Michigan Where I live is a small Historical town. Great Vacation Spot lots of things to do if you like going back in time.If big and bold as well as rocking Syracuse New York Large city Fun lots of bars clubs a gigantic mall about 5 floors. Ice Skating Rink outdoors in the heart of downtown. If you like Slow calm woodsy type of place Maine anywhere in Maine has Amazing wildlife scenery. Chicago Illinois is another good place. All these places are under 800
參考: Me-The Travel Nut

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