HINDI translation need help?

2013-08-19 4:36 pm
1.Dil h ki maanta nhi...... Mushkil
bdi h ye. Bekarari..... ........!!!!!!

2.Tu dharti pe jhaan bhi rhegi...... Tuje teri teri dhakanon se phchan lunga


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2013-08-20 3:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Heart can't be appeased (like, it wants what it wants)...this restlessness is very difficult (to bear)

2. Wherever you may be on the earth...I'll recognise you by your heartbeats! (without the benefit of ECG, LOL)

'Bekarari' is 'Restlessness' that you feel when you strong urge for something/someone...like, yearning or pining.

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