
2013-08-19 11:48 pm
I think we shouldn’t forget the real meanings of anything.
But we always forgot...
We really should remind ourselves all the time .
It is pretty important or we probably lose ourselves in the such strange world...

What is trust? Is it a vow? How could we trample the trust of the people who are around you?
Don’t you feel any shame?
We should keep promises. No matter what the promises are about.
There is no right or wrong in the world , as long as you think it is right , that is right...
But please remember the people who are always by your side.

And please remember it in your heart “As far as you’re concerned, love is absolutely everything.”

我自己打的,可能很多文法錯誤><" 能請大大們幫忙修一下嗎,謝謝您們了!


這只是一小部分而已,如有興趣***,並到我的發問,去找後面沒法貼到這篇的文章,謝謝您們! (it is called part 3)

回答 (2)

2013-08-20 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
# 盡量保留原句,只改文法和不通的地方。

I think we should not forget the true meanings of everything.
But we always forget...
We should really remind ourselves about it all the time.
This is pretty important or we will probably lose ourselves in this strange world.

What is trust? Is it a vow? How could we not trample the trust of the people around you?
Don’t you feel any shame?
We should keep our promises, no matter what they are about.
There is no right or wrong in the world. As long as you think it is right, it is right.
But please always remember the people who are always by your side.

And please also remember this from the bottom of your heart: As long as you are concerned, love is absolutely everything.

2013-08-19 18:27:41 補充:
as long as 是「只要你一直......」的意思,但 as far as 是指 「無論什麼程度」的意思

所以我覺得在這裡,as long as 比較合意思

2013-08-19 18:28:10 補充:

2013-08-19 19:16:06 補充:
查了一下,as far as sb is concerned 其實好像是一個 phrase,不能分開看

它在這篇文的意思是「就你而言」,不過意思就變得不自然了,為什麼無端跟人說「就你而言,愛是絕對的」?所以就 as long as:「只要你一直在關注,愛就是絕對的」

2013-08-19 19:16:13 補充:

2013-08-19 20:40:48 補充:
The meaning of your existence in this world.

2013-08-20 15:22:53 補充:
" " 是用來強調一樣東西「有特別意思」
: 則是指後面的部分是對前面的部分的闡釋

And please also remember this from the bottom of your heart : xxxxx

不用 " " 因為 The meaning of your existence in this world. 就是如「字面上的意思」一樣,並沒有什麼別的意思。

用:就是純粹想表示後面的部分是對前面的部分的闡釋,這也是 style 的問題,最後來個 : 有些酷。

2013-08-20 15:26:05 補充:



2013-08-20 15:26:49 補充:
還有,應該改成 around us,因為你是在自問。

2013-08-20 17:11:08 補充:
在我看來,其實無論哪句都是差不多的意思,us 和 you 都有「你」的意思,只是 us 也會包括自己、而 you 則不會。

用 us 除了是跟前面 we 相對外,也表示自己亦會遇到這些問題。

2013-08-20 17:11:45 補充:

2013-08-20 19:13:28 補充:
true 也是指「真正/真實」哦。
2013-08-20 2:50 am
part1 被判違規了.... sorry... 我再發一次問題然後您再....好不好?

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