
2013-08-19 5:10 pm

(即什麼事情也做不好, 做什麼也是一塌糊塗)


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2013-08-19 8:37 pm
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incompetentADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词無能力的;不稱職的;不合格的 If you describe someone as incompetent,you are criticizing them because they are unable to do their job or a taskproperlyadj. 無能力的; 不勝任的; 不適當的 n. 無能者; 不勝任者 He is utterly incompetentat his job. 他完全不能勝任他的工作。his incompetent handling of the affair 更多牛津 他在處理這件事上的無能表現 impotencen. 無能為力; [醫]陽痿; 陰痿
2013-08-19 7:50 pm
(1)Incompetent adj opp. competent:-He is an incompetent worker, hopeless+useless.
---Incompetence n :-eg:-His incompetence in working disqualified him.
(2)Impotent adj :-eg:-impotent to her=feeble in sex;
---Impotence n (sterility) eg:-His impotence to her made him despair.
2013-08-19 6:27 pm
無能==Incapability; He is incapable of doing anything.
性無能==Impotence;( sterility不能生育)
參考: According to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-08-19 5:44 pm
These are two common sets of words: Incompetent 無能、不稱職 (adj.); Incompetence (n.) impotent 性無能 (adj.); Impotence (n.)不要用此代替上述之incompetent

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