CE AL DSE Pastpaper !! SOS!

2013-08-19 8:07 am
Like I have mentioned above !
I'm the student of the third batch of HKDSE (2014) and I have been searching for past papers for so longgggg! The links are either unavailable or the file is cracked or so on. Absolutely desperate for the papersssss!

So here's the subj that Im looking for:
1) Chin
2) Eng
3) Math (english version)
4) LS (chin version)
5) BAFS - Acct elective (english version)
6) ECON (chin version)

Loads of thanks !!!

回答 (2)

2013-08-27 8:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2013-08-27 12:29:26 補充:
DSE既可以去考評局買。先去考評局網頁download並填好張form,郵寄去考評局,佢會以掛號信方式寄番d past paper比你。既然d past paper可以幫到你既,花少少錢又何妨呢?
2013-08-19 8:27 am

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