Should I give up on this guy or what?

2013-08-18 6:41 pm
I met this guy back in June and just connected with him this month. It was going well for a week, we'd flirt and he'd tell me he wanted to cuddle etc, and I asked if he was free over the weekend, he said completely and asked why, I told him I wanted to hang out. He agreed. We spent the next few days making plans, he suggested a resturaunt to go to etc. well the weekend comes and he disappears.

I texted him Saturday letting him know if he didn't want to hang out all he had to do was say so. then didn't hear from him for 5 days or so.

I was freaking out but kept it to myself and made other plans etc focused on other things, then after the few days I get a text from him saying he does want to hang out. I played it cool pretending I didn't notice his absence.

My theory is that he thought I'd meant a DATE date, and got cold feet, but came back when I didn't chase.

We still text every day, but so far he's made no move to ask to hang out. He doesn't flirt either. He holds conversation, asks me questions but that's it.

I even tested it one day and slipped in a comment about him being handsome and he disregarded it and continued the conversation. So I've distanced myself as well. I answer his questions and occasionally offer some of my own, if he texts back I respond if I'm not busy, and don't if I am. Basically I'm trying to be cool. Maybe we're both being too cool.

What do you all think?

回答 (4)

2013-08-18 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wow i mean WOW you have the exact same problem I am going through! Its so confusing! Here is my question if you would like to take a look? :;_ylt=AkJF7ExFkovI.V1XG.A9jvcazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20130818081023AAm6QO1
2013-08-19 1:47 am
Honestly that happened to me exactly the same like all of a sudden he doesn't flirt anymore and stuff and I waited to see if things would go back to hen he flirted with me waited for like 3 months and nothin so I just had to move on and I'm glad I did because If I didn't I would have been waiting forever and he would've took me for granted best thing to do is move on! I hope I helped.
參考: Experience
2013-08-19 1:46 am
Seems like he wants to do the chasing so let him chase away.
You are handling excellent, dear.
Start seeing and talking to other people. I'd like to know the day he asks you out you have plans...ha ha
2013-08-19 1:43 am
I think he just wants you as a friend cause he admires you.. Maybe he has a gf or someone else in mind don't like him !

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