What should I wear to MEPS as a young lady?

2013-08-18 5:29 pm
I'm 19 enlisting into the air force (so excited! I've heard great things about it and my parents are proud, both are retired army.)My wardrobe is 99.9 percent dresses and skirts, kind of Zoey deschanel, very flowery or pastel. I wear them all the time, so when people say "just wear your regular clothes" it confuses me. I'm doing everything from taking the ASVAB to getting sworn in. Skirts and dresses are no comfort issue for me, and I have some that are more respectable (some hi low skirts, nice chiffon skirts) and can wear me with socks and shoes and a nice blouse, would this be ok for Meps?

回答 (5)

2013-08-18 5:36 pm
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what you describe should be fine, but the MEPS is not about fashion, it is a physical to get into the military.

you might want to wear clothes easy to get in and out of, and retain modesty. the only part of a physical that is done with any kind of privacy is a drug test, and your OBGYN/pelvic exam. pretty much everything else is out in the open with the rest of the young women wanting to join and going through the same thing.

i would suggest a nice 'blouse' or a polo shirt, respectable shorts (no daisy dukes, stuff full of holes) or a pair of jeans, socks and tennis shoes.
2013-08-19 12:37 am
Wear nice clothes. Don't appear to be "trolling," in the original sense of the term. You are an adult and you need to demonstrate a sense or propriety and self-respect. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
2013-08-19 12:46 am
A dress should be fine as long as it isn't overly revealing. Click the following link:


That will tell you what to expect at MEPS. If that link doesn't work go on Youtube and type "A Day at the MEPS" in the search bar. It should be the first link that comes up.
2013-08-19 12:36 am
Dress neatly in every day clothing, not as if you are going out on the town with the girls to see what you can pick-up.
Make sure you have a decent pair of clean nickers and bra on
Read more here if you haven't already

2013-08-19 12:32 am
That will be fine

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