飛利浦的 "sense and simplicity" ……

2013-08-19 1:13 am
飛利浦的廣告標語 "sense and simplicity", 譯作 "到位;簡惠" make 唔 make sense?

回答 (3)

2013-08-21 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
sense當make sense,勉強可解「到位」。

2013-08-18 19:39:10 補充:

2013-08-20 18:45:01 補充:
飛利浦的 "sense and simplicity"
Philips' brand promise “sense and simplicity” encapsulates their commitment to intimately understand the needs and aspirations of consumers and customers in order to deliver innovative solutions that are advanced and easy to experience. 上面飛利浦原英文品牌承諾 “sense and simplicity” 中國飛利浦已有“精於心簡於形”的譯句。(原文:「我們通過兌現“精於心簡於形”的品牌承諾,使人們從創新中受益。這一品牌承諾概括了飛利浦的決心,即為消費者提供“為您設計、輕鬆體驗、創新先進”的解決方案。」)
'sense'指的是" intimately understand(深明) the needs and aspirations(需求) of consumers and customers",然後達到" deliver innovative(創新)solutions that are advanced(精) and easy(簡) to experience" 的 'simplicity'。
而 “精於心簡於形”是為消費者提供“為您設計、輕鬆體驗、創新先進”的解決方案。
依照英文'sense'和'simplicity',原來承諾的"為深明消費者的需求,提供創新精簡的設計。" 我會譯"sense and simplicity"為"深明需求,創新精簡"。或再簡化為"深明,精簡"

至於譯作 "到位;簡惠",如果sense當make sense,勉強可以解「到位」。

2013-08-19 5:59 pm
Sense and simplicity 字面的含義,可能被翻譯成

2013-08-19 8:59 am
簡惠唔係幾make sense, 你譯左Simplicity無譯sense

How about 靈敏, 簡約?

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