英文翻譯 來自Jackson' Dilemma一書

2013-08-18 11:55 pm
It had thereafter been diminished by fire as well as being(as edward's father said)'messed about by the victorians'.

來自Jackson' Dilemma一書

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2013-08-19 3:03 am
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中文翻譯 來自Jackson' Dilemma一書
(Its original name being lost,)it had thereafter been diminished by fire as well as being(as Edward's father said)'messed about by the Victorians'.

忠於作者Dame Iris Murdoch原著的中文翻譯:

*註:它應是指一間大建築物,可能是主人翁繼承了的Hatting Hall。

參考: Jackson's Dilemma is a novel by Iris Murdoch, published in 1995. It was Murdoch's last novel; she died four years later, on 8 February 1999. http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/12/20/specials/murdoch-dilemma.html
2013-08-19 1:08 am
自喪失了原有之名以後,就如 Edward 的父親所言,它在烈火中灰飛煙滅,並被維多利亞的子民們搗壞。
Its original name being lost, it had thereafter been diminished by fire as well as being (as Edward's father said) 'messed about by the Victorians'.


2013-08-18 17:10:08 補充:
自喪失了原有之名以後,它已在烈火中灰飛煙滅,亦如 Edward 的父親所言,被維多利亞的子民們搗壞。
參考: 自己

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