Made out while drunk with a random guy? please help!?

2013-08-18 7:47 am
So this is what happened: last night i went clubbing with a few friends and i got drunk so i made out with this guy and he felt me up! D: It was my first time making out and i am 14 turning 15 in 2 months.
I didn't mean to do what i did and i regret it. He didn't even ask for my name.

1) should i tell my mom? she would get really angry because she doesnt know i went clubbing. If i should not tell her, how do i get rid of the guilt?
2) I feel ashamed of myself and i feel like i cant face my family, even though they don't know about it. Is that normal?
3) what i did- is it normal for a teenager?
4) i feel i have lost self respect for doing what i did. How do i gain it back?

Thank you for answering my questions and please don't judge!

回答 (10)

2013-08-18 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Lolz you had fun and youre freaking out?
Theres no need to feel bad for kissing or sleeping with someone. Its all natural.

And if you dont wanna tell your mom... Why even bother?

What would be the point.
2013-08-18 8:23 am
You got drunk at your age?...In a club?...That's really wrong and, most important, very dangerous as you can be easily taken advantage of and experience some really bad things. You were lucky this time, but what you did was definitely irresponsible. And no, it is NOT normal for a teenager, not for a smart, responsible one at least. No need to tell your mom, just make sure it does not happen again, ever. You are welcome.
2013-08-18 7:51 am
i'm going to judge not about that kiss but about the drinking, STOP DRINKING YOUR ******* YOUR LIFE UP. you were drunk why the f*ck would he wanna know your name? He wanted some you know what
2013-08-19 1:14 am
Tell your mom. The guilt will gain and grow and grow and grow till you get sick!!!!!
2013-08-18 7:50 am
If it happened and you are not interested in the guy you don't need to tell anyone even your mom..just forgive yourself for a mistake you didn't mean and move on..just be careful next time especially if someone is drunk..hope the best to ya!! **
2013-08-18 7:55 am
You got drunk , you didnt have self control . No telling your family will make it worse and limit you to the times to go out , they'll have that image of you clubbing and kissing a guy on there head . But you didn't lose self respect its a mistake **** happens . Its normal im 15 and trust me that happened to me as well , i just talked to myself to the wall to let all the guilt out , dont contact the guy you kissed tho , he didn't respect you when you were drunk so hes not gonna respect at all , just talk it out with the wall a friend or yourself (: please answers my question tho {:;_ylt=Ak8Wslbr5sze7V9N6epB2KMM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20130817155618AA8fQab
參考: Experience
2013-08-18 7:55 am
What you did is definatly normal for teenagers. We go out and have fun sometimes and unfortunatly people will judge you for that. Telling your mom would not get rid of the guilt it would still be there, but if you do tell your mom you will most likely be punished pretty badly... Wait a few days, you will start to feel better about it. To gain your self respect back don't do it again. Some of the things we do are once in a lifetime experiences so think of it that way(: hope I helped!
2013-08-18 7:50 am
What you have done is perfectly normal and you should trust yourself and don't judge yourself for a mistake
2013-08-18 7:55 am
Grow up!!!!!! So what, you made out with someone. Whoopty do. If that's all you did, who cares? If you did anything more then that, you have some issues.
參考: Myself
2013-08-18 7:53 am
Okay the only answer to all three of this e questions is who cares? 14 is late to have your first kiss compared to other girls so u should be proud. Making out is just making out and being felt up is nothing, there is nothing wrong with it at all so why be ashamed? Be proud that it finally happened to you? And this should not make you lose self respect, I know many girls that have had sex at your age and they're proud, THAT is when u should be losing self respect. You made out and got felt up by a guy, be proud! :D ps: don't tell your mom if she's gonna be angry, its not such a big deal.

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