Idiom meaning matching

2013-08-18 3:07 am
1. to ask for someone's hand in marriage ( )
2. to be attracted to ( )
3. a blind date ( )
4. to break heart ( )
5. to break up ( )
6. to be crazy about ( )
7. to dig ( )
8. to dump ( )
9. to fall for ( )
10. to find Mr. Right ( )
11. to get back together ( )
12. to get engaged ( )
13. to get hitched ( )
14. to get serious ( )
15. to go steady ( )
16. to have a crush ( )
17. to be head over heels in love with ( )
18. to hit off ( )
19. to be hung up on ( )
20. to kiss and make up ( )

A. to end a relationship by telling someone that you do not want to see him or her
B. to get married
C. to end a relationship
D. to date one person regularly
E. to return to a relationship or marriage after separating
F. a date where the two people have never met before
G. to become friends again after a fight or argument
H. to like someone a lot
I. to get along well with someone
J. to become more serious with someone
L. to feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone
M. to decide to marry someone
N. to have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results)
O. to cause someone emotional pain
P. to be obsessed with another person, to be interested in another person
Q. to find the right or perfect person
R. to ask someone to marry you
S. to be very much in love with someone, to be completely in love
T. to think that another person is wonderful

回答 (2)

2013-08-18 4:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Idiom meaning matching1. to ask for someone's hand in marriage (R. to ask someone to marry you )
2. to be attracted to ( T. to think that another person is wonderful)
3. a blind date (F. a date where the two people have never met before )
4. to break heart (O. to cause someone emotional pain )
5. to break up (C. to end a relationship )
6. to be crazy about (P. to be obsessed with another person, to be interested in another person)
7. to dig ( H. to like someone a lot)
8. to dump (A. to end a relationship by telling someone that you do not want to see him or her )
9. to fall for (S. to be very much in love with someone, to be completely in love)
10. to find Mr. Right (Q. to find the right or perfect person )
11. to get back together (E. to return to a relationship or marriage after separating )
12. to get engaged ( M. to decide to marry someone)
13. to get hitched (B. to get married)
14. to get serious ( J. to become more serious with someone)
15. to go steady (D. to date one person regularly )
16. to have a crush (L. to feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone )
17. to be head over heels in love with (S. to be very much in love with someone, to be completely in love )
18. to hit off ( I. to get along well with someone)
19. to be hung up on (N. to have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results))
20. to kiss and make up (G. to become friends again after a fight or argument )

2013-08-17 20:15:34 補充:
2. and 16. are close in meaning and can be interchanged as:
2. to be attracted to(L. to feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone )
16. to have a crush ( T. to think that another person is wonderful)
2013-08-19 9:13 pm
[ 很少看青少年的愛情故事,所以不大聽說過“dig”和“fall”字的用法。
“serious”這個詞有不同的含義,但在愛情關係中往往意味著 going steady。]

但Crush 應該是指強烈的愛/(暗)戀,往往無疾而終。

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