Didn't make the high school sports team?

2013-08-17 5:18 am
So I was trying out the last couple days for volleyball and I thought I was doing a great job! The coaches were complimenting and I was passing and setting well. Although I never played on another team I know all the positions and plays and everything you need to know. I felt so confident and now EVERYONE made it on the team even that girl who swings the ball in the opposite direction made it and here is me not making the team even though I know I'm better then some people that are on the team. I was actually starting to LLOOVVEE Volleyball and I'm going to try out for Basketball and Track but its not the same. If I don't make Basketball I'm going to cry again so hard and just ball my eyes out. I need help on what to do next. I really do feel like a failure in life. I really feel like this is the end of the world for me even though I know it isn't. I'm just so upset.:'(

回答 (5)

2013-08-18 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Keep your head high.
2013-08-17 1:31 pm
It's good that you enjoy sports but it is only part of your life. In the bigger picture, it helps make up who you are but doesn't need to define you. Getting knocked down is a part of life but whether you get back up to try again that determines how successful you'll be. Use the training for basketball and track to make yourself stronger, faster, and in better condition for volleyball. Ask the coaches for feedback for how you can make yourself better for next year and that will help you make a plan for how you will make the team. More than making yourself the best volleyball player you can be, make yourself the best person you can be.

I played volleyball pretty well for over 35 years and realized that if all people knew about me was that I could play sports then they didn't know me at all. It's a game that's fun, kept me in shape, and allowed me to meet a lot of friends but when I look back on it, playing and coaching was great and I was able to help a lot of people play better by my abilities but I was much prouder of having volunteered to help rebuild over 25 New Orleans homes in the past 7 years after Hurricane Katrina hit, as well as numerous homes in Southern California communities where I live.
2013-08-17 12:56 pm
Practice more and come back next year with your head held high:)
Answer mine? Thanks:)?
2013-08-17 12:52 pm
Are you a freshmen? Some teams are really serious about seniority, so if someone is older than you they will got on even if they are worse. My team puts freshmen and sophomores almost exclusively on JV and juniors and seniors almost exclusively on varsity. Also maybe it's because you are short or because you are new. If that's the case then it is your coach's fault for not being able to see past it, even if you are better than others. Also, when I was at camp we had to be placed in groups for our skill. When I was hitting I got a lot of compliments but I knew I was hitting badly. We got 6 hits and I tipped 2 because they were tight and 1 hit the tape, and even the ones that went in weren't as good as I can hit. They were saying good things to everyone though so they wouldn't feel bad. I ended up on a team that I felt was below my level. Sometimes things like that just happen.

If I were you I would go to the coach and tell him what you are feeling and ask why you didn't make the team and what to work on so you can try out again next year.

I'm sorry you didn't make it, but if you work hard you could definitely make it next year.
2013-08-17 12:20 pm
They were probably looking for a certain amount of people.. I tried out for volleyball on Thursday but I sucked lol

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