ZODIAC SIGN to smack the heck out of..?

2013-08-17 4:41 am
Then who would it be and you have to explain why!?

回答 (10)

2013-08-17 9:16 am
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Sags for not sitting still long enough, it's like dealing with someone who has A.D.D. and flirts a lot.
2013-08-17 5:06 am
Idk...I've learned to have tolerance for immature people but the old me would want to smack probably a Leo..

they think the know everything and they do everything right and they are the boss...when in reality they aren't really that smart and the only people that will follow them are immature and possibly weak willed people who can't think for them selves (the heavy lil Wayne/young money listener lol jk) ....but I'm sure there are some extremely nice and smart/mature Leo's who know how to not live in a overly egotistical way...I've met a few but don't blame the sign blame the person
參考: Capricorn man
2013-08-17 7:46 am
My brother-_-
He made my childhood hell
2013-08-17 5:09 am
Aquarius probably... not all of them but the way they usually look off in a distance like they're not really listening to you and how they have to be in control really ticks me off.
2013-08-17 4:53 am
Stupid question. That is all.
2013-08-17 10:49 am
all the leo haters... seriously, their hatred backfire on them.. all this crap they write about Leos being annoying for grabbing the attention etc, well bïtch, if you stopped naggin and being obsessive about Leos all the time then the attention wouldnt have been given to Leos in the first place lol. They need to practice what they preach. I mean seriously, why are ppl being so phony online? In real life, I have never met haters like that.

(PS; I know my girl summertime sadness doesn't hate Leos).
參考: Leo hate me now
2013-08-17 9:58 am
I would enjoyably like to smack some Leo guys, all former friends/acquaintances, and then passionately make out with them after. Yes I have a love hate relationship with them. Hee.
2013-08-17 6:08 am
Aquarius, I HATE them (No offense to the people who are) My dad is and he's abusive and he really pisses me off he does some really bad things and his personality makes me mad. The second one would be Gemini they make me mad. Third would be Taurus because my bf is one because he will text me online saying hi then log off (long distance). Okay..Never mind I would smack them all.
參考: Pisces
2013-08-17 10:38 pm
Honestly, if you ask me, anyone who hurts you, regardless who it is. Even though you could go stereotypical on their true nature, unless they try to hurt you, you have no reason to smack the heck out of them, show respect and be kind and polite, never turn back to smile on anyone, but unless they get to your head, but if they do, be ruthless. Show them what true misery and suffering means.

If i were to be honest however, i would avoid Aries, because they can be emotionally hurtful. Not intentionally however.

If i were to smack someone, at first hand, it would be Scorpios, Virgos, and Leos. Sometimes, Libras are strong candidates as well.

Why Scorpios? They always try to hurt you whenever they sense you consider them close. They will always trick you and try to deceive you, stab you in the back, and they have the ******* nerve to call up the shots on vendetta if you manage to get back at them. Seriously. Out of personal experience, let me explain. Once, i fell in love with a Cancer girl, who supposedly had this Scorpio ex. The moment i wanted to talk to her, she went off with her ex again and they made up. I hadn`t known that, and i asked this guy if they are together again. He already realized why i ask, and he tried to set me up with her, only to find her frenching him like a glutton animal.

I were furious because he tricked me badly, but i were just keeping the grudge until the right time. After a couple months, he were extremely pissed and drunk, and he started insulting me. I snapped and beat him on a stop sign, and the guy`s forehead was bulky, bruised and bleeding. Funny thing is, he doesn`t remember a thing, i told him he hit himself! XD Served him right.

These people have no respect whatsoever for your personal feelings, intimacy and privacy. They will gossip about you, trick you into thinking they are somewhat considerate whatsoever, but honestly, they are full of ****. One day they act out nice, the other they are pure devils. And don`t you dare even ask why, they will only blow your mind with critique solid.

Mememememememememe... worship me. Need i say more?

Other than these, why Libra? Because Libras only get your hopes up high and are EXTREMELY full of false promises. That`s why.

But yes, unless someone hurts you, don`t try to hurt anyone back.
參考: Zodiac Master
2013-08-17 5:03 am
Aries and Gemini but been there and done that Haha! (:

Aquarius yes they deserve it!!! Those awful jerks.

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