Why do you GEMINI get into relationships?

2013-08-17 4:35 am
Majority of you can't keep interest anyway. You become to intrigued by everybody else, you them get bored. I feel there is no pleasing you guys.

回答 (4)

2013-08-17 11:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, try being in their shoes (I'm a Gemini by the way)... What kind of person do you think would not get attached easily? Yes, perhaps one who may not have very close affectionate attachments. Or something similar. Usually we treat others in the way we have been treated, though some are more self-aware.

Anyway, Gemini are a challenge, if you're not up for that, we'll soon find out.

Edit: I like what Who?... said. I do sometimes get Very attached, and Give A LOT...! But I expect fair treatment in return!
2013-08-17 11:36 am
Hun, what do you expect from superficial Air signs?
參考: Virgo
2013-08-17 2:53 pm
FYI when a GEMINI is in love they give all they can to their partner and forget about ourselves! Its a fact.

If you leave me now- I like your answer! We are a challenge;)
參考: Gemini woman
2013-08-17 11:36 am
ItS nOt ReAl

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