Depressed over astrology?

2013-08-16 9:58 pm
I am NOT shy or reserved and not practical or anything like my virgo ascendant. Could it be that you present yourself like your midheaven(mine being gemini)?
Here is my chart:

Sun 17°56' Aries
Moon 14°50' Pisces
Mercury 27°14' Pisces
Venus 7°38' Taurus
Mars 24°44' Pisces
Jupiter 12°28' Я Scorpio
Saturn 8°04' Pisces
Uranus 26°07' Capricorn
Neptune 23°16' Capricorn
Pluto 27°41' Я Scorpio
Chiron 4°52' Я Virgo
Ceres 22°10' Taurus
Pallas 6°16' Aries
Juno 27°48' Я Libra
Vesta 0°38' Taurus
Node 24°21' Я Scorpio
Lilith 19°03' Aries
Fortune 16°00' Leo
AS 19°06' Virgo
MC 18°08' Gemini

回答 (5)

2013-08-17 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have Mars opposite the ascendant -- you are obviously not shy -- it looks like you come across as a little bit aggressive or assertive, somewhat moody/changeable, inquisitive, and curious about people ...
2013-08-17 4:59 am
Hahahaha - it's hard to imagine anything this stupid. It really doesn't help to write all that bullsh*t out - it doesn't make it anymore scientific.
2013-08-17 6:04 am
You have Chiron in Virgo, Chiron is where we are most insecure, so whatever house that is in would be affected. Gemini can appear out going and cheerful and friendly. It's a very happy rising sign especially compared to all of your Pisces and Scorpio planets. You should be happy to have a light ascendant to lighten your energy. Pisces Moon with Aries sun could indicate problems with depression.
2013-08-17 6:28 am
well you're an aries, so yeah...and your rising is more how you come across to others not how you see you might appear to the general public as someone who has their life together, someone who moves forward and does not waste time.... someone who is very opinionated and critical....these are are virgo-like things...not just reserve or practical....
參考: scorpio girl gemini rising aries moon
2013-08-17 5:06 am
the best ascendant-----------------> VIRGO

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