Astrologists what does this say about me and my personality/careers?

2013-08-16 6:53 pm
Sun 17°56' Aries
Moon 14°50' Pisces
Mercury 27°14' Pisces
Venus 7°38' Taurus
Mars 24°44' Pisces
Jupiter 12°28' Я Scorpio
Saturn 8°04' Pisces
Uranus 26°07' Capricorn
Neptune 23°16' Capricorn
Pluto 27°41' Я Scorpio
Chiron 4°52' Я Virgo
Ceres 22°10' Taurus
Pallas 6°16' Aries
Juno 27°48' Я Libra
Vesta 0°38' Taurus
Node 24°21' Я Scorpio
Lilith 19°03' Aries
Fortune 16°00' Leo
AS 19°06' Virgo
MC 18°08' Gemini

回答 (1)

2013-08-20 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
it is quite natural to be curious about the future to achieve your dreams and seek guidance thru astrology. but any such effort is a futile exercise. The great sages of our country warned us of the futility. When astrology came to India from Babylon via other middle-east countries, it was rejected by Indian sages on the ground that it is not useful to human life and society. The Vedas and the Upanishads condemned it as being born out of ignorance and also condemned worshipping the planets. Great religious teachers like Sankaracharyya, Ramanuja, Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Mahapravu Chaitanya Deva, Guru Nanak Ji, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and all great sadhus and saints never preached, practiced or advised people on the basis of such faith. Srimad Bhagbat Gita teaches us to have faith on our own self and on God alone.. Goutama Buddha prohibited his disciples to study and practice astrology. Guru Nanak Ji openly condemned such faith. Swami Vivekanand condemned it as a weakness of the mind. Though it was rejected by the sages and the religion, the priests, patronised by powerful kings studied, developed and popularised it and utilised it as a means of their livelihood.

Stars and planets do not control or guide our lives and destiny. The archaic theories on which predictions are made have no logical or scientific basis. The theories of predictive astrology have no relation with astronomy or any other branch of science. Astrological theories are made on the since discarded Ptolemaic assumption that the earth is at the centre and the sun, the planets and the stars revolve around the earth. It also considers sun as a planet as one of the Nav-grahas. But such idea has been proved to be incorrect. The fact is that the earth and all the planets revolve round the sun and the stars have their own orbits around the galaxies. So the basic concept on which astrological calculations, positions of planets, stars and zodiacs and theories stand, has been proved wrong and therefore inapplicable. There are no logical or scientific explanation for the theories about ownership of zodiacs by planets, mutual enmity and friendship amongst the planets, the various aspects of planets, beneficial or malefic powers and aspects, exaltation and debilitation of planets and all such theories on which predictions are made. It is suggested to be courageous, have faith on your own self and on God, come out of all weaknesses and try to achieve your goals.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:55:41
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