
2013-08-16 11:30 pm
Sometimes I am wondering "if the magical things and medicine exist in this world , what will this wrold become?"
That must be interesting and dangerous , right...? I don't wish the kind of the cake or drink in the story will be created.
But I HOPE the medicine that can cure any illness will be created , that mind in from bottom of my hreat.
If it comes true , it will be such pain in our world...
If animals can speak the language of mankind , then animals won't be bullied by this damn people.
Animals should have the right as much as human...

我自己打的,可能很多文法錯誤><" 能請大大們幫忙修一下嗎,謝謝您們了!

這是讀書心得(Alice in wonderland),有400字,但發現一次無法貼完,所以...

這只是一小部分而已,如有興趣***,並到我的發問,去找後面沒法貼到這篇的文章,謝謝您們! (it is called part 2)

回答 (1)

2013-08-17 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
# 我儘量保持原文吧,只修一下文法和意思不通的地方。

Sometimes I am wondering what this world would become if the magical things and medicine existed in this world.
If so, it must be equally interesting and dangerous, right? I do not wish for the kind of cake or drink in the story existing in the real world.
But I do wish the medicine that can cure any illnesses would exist in reality, from the bottom of my heart.
If it existed, there would not be so many pains in our world...
If the animals could speak the language of mankind, then they would not be cruelly bullied by man again.
Animals should have as much rights as humans...

2013-08-16 21:35:25 補充:
可以改成 over and over 或 again and again。

human being 是指「一個人」,而 human 是指「全人類」

要用 human being 的話,可改成:
Animals should have as much rights as human beings

Animals should have as much rights as a human being

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:38:04
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