
2013-08-16 11:29 pm
Book : Alice in Wonderland

The book is full of fantasies . if it comes true, it will be very interesting!
I think the writer who writes the book is very excellent!
Nowadays , everyone is busy in their things without any rests , they should let their steps slower. To enjoy the fancy time(dream world).
Thinking impossible things is not that easy , but it is the power that makes the world keeps advancing.
So we should keep thinking impossible thing , not just be a same old bitter persons.
It will be helpful for yourself and the big ole world.
The story also teaches us everyone is different from one another , you couldn't what they is thinking about. So just be yourself , everyone is the best!
About the kindness , I believe everybody should have a kindness heart originally , but it probably destroyed by the cruel world or yourself.
What a cruel world it is! If we can treat others with our kindness heart , the world will be changed , won't be this... cruel and brutal.

我自己打的,可能很多文法錯誤><" 能請大大們幫忙修一下嗎,謝謝您們了!


這只是一小部分而已,如有興趣***,並到我的發問,去找後面沒法貼到這篇的文章,謝謝您們! (it is called part 1)

回答 (3)

2013-08-17 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
# 我儘量保持原文吧,只修一下文法和意思不通的地方。

This book is full of fantasies. If they came true, it would be very interesting!
I think the writer who writes this book is excellent!
Nowadays, everyone is busy with their own things without any rest. They should occasionally slow down a bit to enjoy the fancy time in the dream world.
Thinking about impossible things is not that easy, but it is the power that makes the world keep advancing.
So we should keep thinking about the impossible things and not be a same old bitter person.
It will be helpful to you and the big old world.
The story also teaches us everyone is different. You cannot know what the others are thinking about. So just be yourself. Everyone is the best!
Talking about kindness, I believe everybody is born with a kind heart, but it would likely be destroyed by the cruel world or yourself.
What a cruel world it is! If we can treat the others with our kindness, the world will be changed, and not be that cruel and brutal.

2013-08-17 18:57:53 補充:
big ole 查了一下,其實是 big old 的美國方言,不是很標準,如果不是美國人可能不明白是指甚麼呢。

另外,用 times 的話就會是「次數」的意思,而不是時間。不要 s 就可以了。

2013-08-17 20:55:43 補充:
我覺得情況就像中文一樣,例如台灣和香港雖然都是用中文,但一些字詞可能只是一個地方常用的,其他地方很少用,所以如果用了這些字詞,你要考慮一下讀者是否會清楚意思。big ole 應該就是類似的情況吧。

另外,個人還是偏好直接用最簡單的 old(用 ole 也沒問題,既然真的有這個用法)
2013-08-17 4:04 am
呵呵,我不太會寫心得,只想把它混過> <"

2013-08-16 20:26:39 補充:

2013-08-17 1:19 am
The book is full of fantasies . If it comes true, it will be very interesting!
I think the writer who writes the book is very excellent!
Nowadays , everyone is busy in their things without any rests , they should let their steps more slower. They should enjoy the fancy time(dream world).
Thinking impossible things is not that easy , but it is the power that makes the world keeps advancing.
So we should keep thinking impossible things , not just be as same as a old bitter person.
It will be helpful for yourself and the big hole world.
The story also teaches us everyone is different from one another, you couldn't think about what they is thinking about. So just be yourself , everyone is the best!
About kindness , I believe that everybody should have a kindness heart originally , but it probably destroyed by the cruel world or maybe yourself.
What a cruel world it is! If we can treat others with our kindness heart , I think the world will be changed , won't be this... cruel and brutal world.

This is just my little opinion.
參考: By myself

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