Two pisces...but don't understand!!!?

2013-08-16 4:32 am
I'm a pisces female 3/20/84, he's also a pisces 3/12/87. I have a moon in Scorpio and he's has moon in libra I think.
The problem is why aren't we on the same page?😑 He tell me he wants me to be his girl and has been pursuing me, but I just feel like I cant trust or believe him. Is there Anyone out there that could read our birthdates and give me more insight. Thanks

回答 (2)

2013-08-16 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
while pair matching we usally consider moon signs ....coz moon sign tells us our inner self....
besides as u both are picses ur other signs will influence more on your personality.... like any other water sign Scorpio needs emotional security... which libra cannot understand... on the other hand libra needs full atention n praise.... like he must b xpecting u to tell him everything ,call/text all day long...
but there will b respect for each other......

water and air dont get a long way....but if u try u cud get along!!!
2013-08-16 4:56 am
two pisces together, let alone two like signs is a difficult pairing. good luck

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:55:38
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