Why is prostitution illegal, but molestation is not? (in America)?

2013-08-16 3:14 am
prostitution, as long as it's not forced, is completely consensual. Girls get what they want and the guy gets what he wants without waiting or wasting time. No one gets hurt.

But male cops and go around molesting women AND men? If gay cops can LEGALLY grab a guy's balls while he is in handcuffs WITHOUT his consent, then obviously molestation is legal! Because cops are the ones who are supposed to be PUNISHING Crimes, and NOT DOING them! I don't care what the molestor's excuse is, it IS sexual harassment! The crime is determined by the VICTIM'S feelings and not the ATTACKER's feelings! Therefore, just cuz the gay molesting cop says it's not molestation, doesn't mean it's not.

They even go as far as trying to use psychology to get u to like it. Like they grab your balls and as soon as they know there is no risk grabbing your PRIVATE AREAS, THEY DO IT AGAIN!

Then if u show discomfort, they DO IT AGAIN and invite their other gay molesting partners on the scene to molest you too. And if u show discomfort, they say, "RELAX" as if it's no big deal, but it IS a big deal and molestation causes a lot of psychological damage no matter what ur excuse is! And they keep grabbing and telling u to relax, so that they try to force u to act like u like it to stop the molestation and try to trick ur brain into enjoying gay sex.

I have been molested NUMEROUS times by gay cops and no I am not a real criminal. Never killed, never stole, never raped... although if I get molested AGAIN, I might as well rape a hot girl if the POLICE are going to molest me anyways.

But if we had prostitution legal, then it would be CONSENSUAL and everyone gets what they wants. It doesn't hurt anyone. And it helps the economy. The economy sucks cuz all the rich people can't have fun in America, so they take their money and have fun in another country.

It also helps molestation victims such as myself to "make it even" as I don't want the number of gay molesting cops molesting me to be more than the number of girls I had fun with.

And it gives guys a reason to be successful. Why be successful in America if all you can do with ur money is eat, sleep, and pay bills and repeat the cycle with nothing fun being in the cycle?

and since prostitution is illegal it causes men to be fat. With prostitution being illegal, the ONLY fun thing for a guy to do is eat at a fancy restaurant. Therefore, with the extra money he saved or got as a bonus, he goes to a restaurant to eat more food.

Where as if prostitution was legal, then he could pay for fun that doesn't involve him eating more food and he can have fun without having to get fat.

Jess you are a sexualists ****! I AM a real victim of molestation. Their hands were there and I did not want them to touch me there, that is molestation! The psychological damage is the same as a "real" molestation victim. why? Because I REALLY got molested! Just because I'm straight does NOT mean that I can't get molested! I am not a homophobe. Just because I am not gay/lesbian like you or worship gay guys or lesbian girls doesn't mean that I'm a homophobe. I have just as much right to freedom of my sexuality as a gay man or lez woman. I also have just as much right to not want to get molested as gay people! I do not do things to get in trouble with the law. "The law" harassed me because I was a goody two shoes and I was an EASY TARGET. The more you are cooperative with the police, the more they harass you 'cuz it's easier for them to put it in their stats and the easier it is for them to cop a feel. I want to see how you react when YO


and I was not put in jail most of the time I was released because no evidence, etc.. They put molested me BEFORE I was in court for trial etc.. basically as soon as they were about to put me in the police car they MOLESTED ME! Because of straight haters like Jess and gay molesting cops I NOW keep a knife in my crotch area to make it so that if someone were to try to sexually harass me, their ******* fingers would get cut!


I hate to break this to you Kenneth, but cops CAN be gay. Just because they wear a badge doesn't mean they can't be gay. And it was not a "pat down." A "pat down" is when like the doctor touches ur dick to check it.. lightly. If someone ACTUALLY THOUGHT that I had a weapon in my crotch, they would not GRAB AND SQUEEZE it cuz they would not want to get their fingers cut. And that's what they did. Grabbed a whole handful of my dick THAT is molestation. If it's what they are SUPPOSED to do, then why don't the female cops do it to me? And u must have skipped the part where I said I am NOT a criminal! I am the most goody two shoes person EVER! I NEVER Broke the law in my ENTIRE life! They GO TO MY HOUSE to molest me. How the hell could I be breakiing the law if I lock myself in my room all day every day? Last time I checked it is extremely difficult to break any kind of law if you are in your own house all day every day. You can't steal from

回答 (4)

2013-08-16 3:16 am
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2013-08-16 3:17 am
Molestation is illegal and your a ******* idiot if you don't understand why people are searched when they are put in jail. BTW prostitution is legal in Nevada. Go there.

P.S. Don't be a homophobe you already have bad personality traits, you don't want to throw Bigot in there too. I mean you already dared to compare yourself to actual victims of molestation and down played what happed to them all because YOU cant stay out of trouble with the law. Disrespectful.
2013-08-16 3:32 am
Cops don't "molest", and they aren't "gay". Its a patdown to ensure you aren't holding any drugs or weapons when you are being arrested.

If you don't want to be searched then quit breaking the law and getting arrested.
2013-08-16 3:15 am
Molestation nor Prostitution are good for society.

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