Why don't Christians celebrate the Sabbath?

2013-08-15 9:19 pm
Jesus celebrated the sabbath on Saturday as did the apostles after his death. I know that Constantine changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and Christmas to December; but it is the 4th commandment. If the 10 commandments were directly from God, then it's pretty clear. Christians are sinning by not celebrating the sabbath, no?

I've heard the argument that they didn't know the days of the week back then, but that's clearly not true. Jesus knew what day the Sabbath was and it's widely claimed that Jesus died on Sunday.

Jews, including Jesus celebrated the Sabbath on Saturday before the Book of Acts was written. It wasn't changed until Constantines time. Constantine was just a man. He wasn't the son of God, so how did he have the power to change God's word? If the Sabbath doesn't have to be observed any longer, then what about the other 10 commandments?

回答 (22)

2013-08-16 4:31 pm
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God ordained the Sabbath to be the seventh day following six days of labor. He did not specify a day of the week. This is the Sabbath that I celebrate.

The Pharisees changed God's ordination so that the Sabbath was to be celebrated only on Saturday. They also disagreed with most of the world about when the day begins.

Constantine may have changed the Sabbath to Sunday.

The question is whether you will serve God, the Pharisees, or Constantine. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord... .
2013-08-16 3:05 pm
Constantine made it legal for Christians to do what they had been doing for over 200 years in Rome, assembling on Sundays for corporate worship and prayer. The sabbath was a day of rest, and not worship. Constantine allowed for Christians to rest on Sundays if they wanted to. It was not mandatory.

The ten commandments, as well as the rest of the law, were a covenant law, and the legal parties to that covenant were God and Israel only. Christians are not a legal party to that covenant, and that covenant ended upon the death of Christ. Whether Jesus and the apostles kept the sabbath or not is irrelevant to those not a party to that covenant, or not Jewish and part of Jewish culture. The debate in Scripture was over whether gentile Christians had to keep the law, and the answer was: NO. This includes the sabbath command.

Regarding the rest of the ten commandments, they are not binding on Christians as a codification of law. Christians do not refrain from murder because the law says not to; they do not murder because they have love even for an enemy. Murder is born of hatred, which is the spirit of murder.

2013-08-16 12:33 am
you know Constantine changed the Sabbath..??? then how is in the book of acts they celebrated the eucharist on the sunday. jesus made many of the rules in the o.t. obsolete , read ephesians and Hebrews also in deut, they sacrificed animals to god the day after the Sabbath.
2013-08-16 12:14 am
Christians started meeting on Sunday, the day of Christ's resurrection, and this became their Sabbath.

The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. It is important that we have a Sabbath each week but less important which day it is.
參考: CR YEC
2013-08-15 11:25 pm
The Sabbath was given to Israel, not the church. The Sabbath is still Saturday, not Sunday, and has never been changed. But the Sabbath is part of the Old Testament Law, and Christians are free from the bondage of the Law (Galatians 4:1-26; Romans 6:14). Sabbath keeping is not required of the Christian—be it Saturday or Sunday. The first day of the week, Sunday, the Lord's Day (Revelation 1:10) celebrates the New Creation, with Christ as our resurrected Head. We are not obligated to follow the Mosaic Sabbath—resting, but are now free to follow the risen Christ—serving. The Apostle Paul said that each individual Christian should decide whether to observe a Sabbath rest, “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind” (Romans 14:5). We are to worship God every day, not just on Saturday or Sunday.

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Saturday-Sunday.html#ixzz2c4yRHbK7

In place of the Old Testament law, we are under the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2), which is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). If we obey those two commands, we will be fulfilling all that Christ requires of us: “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:40). Now, this does not mean the Old Testament law is irrelevant today. Many of the commands in the Old Testament law fall into the categories of “loving God” and “loving your neighbor.” The Old Testament law can be a good guidepost for knowing how to love God and knowing what goes into loving your neighbor. At the same time, to say that the Old Testament law applies to Christians today is incorrect. The Old Testament law is a unit (James 2:10). Either all of it applies, or none of it applies. If Christ fulfilled some of it, such as the sacrificial system, He fulfilled all of it.

“This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). The Ten Commandments were essentially a summary of the entire Old Testament law. Nine of the Ten Commandments are clearly repeated in the New Testament (all except the command to observe the Sabbath day). Obviously, if we are loving God, we will not be worshipping false gods or bowing down before idols. If we are loving our neighbors, we will not be murdering them, lying to them, committing adultery against them, or coveting what belongs to them. The purpose of the Old Testament law is to convict people of our inability to keep the law and point us to our need for Jesus Christ as Savior (Romans 7:7-9; Galatians 3:24). The Old Testament law was never intended by God to be the universal law for all people for all of time. We are to love God and love our neighbors. If we obey those two commands faithfully, we will be upholding all that God requires of us.

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Christian-law.html#ixzz2c4yfGTB4
參考: TR
2013-08-15 10:50 pm
Colossians 2:16
Matthew 12:1-12
Mark 2:23-27
John 5:14-18
2013-08-15 9:52 pm
Jesus kept the Sabbath and all of the Mosaic Law because, as the apostle Paul points out in the book of Galatians, he was under the Law. However, Paul was also inspired by God to write that Christians are NOT under the Law:

"For sin shall not have dominion over you: for YE ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW, but under grace. " (Romans 6:14 KJV)

All you have to do to get GOD's word about the Sabbath is just get your Bible and read the apostle Paul's letter to the Galatian Christians, the Bible book of Galatians. You can read the entire thing in 15 minutes, and then you will be an EXPERT on the Sabbath and the rest of the Law.

Warm regards,
參考: God, Himself, in His own Word, the Bible; Christ's apostle and Bible writer Paul.
2013-08-15 9:43 pm
Would you expect that Walmart would have to keep the contract that Ford makes with its employees? Of course not because Walmart is not part of that agreement.

If you read through the Bible, you will find that God made different /contracts/agreements/covenants with different people and different groups of the centuries. While the agreements may share some things in common, a person who was part of agreement A was not expected to keep agreement B.

A good example would be that Noah was required to build a giant boat and collect a zoo to be saved. However no one else in history has had the requirement. They had different covenants, with God.

One of the best known covenants is the Mosaic Covenant that God made with the Jewish people. However no other in group in history (including people who lived during the time in was in use) were required to keep that covenant. It was a covenant ONLY with the Jews.

Christians are under a different covenant. Just as Walmart employees are under a different set of rules from Ford employees. If you read through the New Testament it argued dozens of times that Christians are NOT required to keep the Mosaic Law. The entire NT book of Hebrews is on that subject. It is also a central theme in the book of Colossians.

The Christians have a totally different covenant with God. While there are some things in common, there are also many things are different. If you read through the New Testament, you will not find a single place of the crucifixion of Jesus were Christians are told to keep the Sabbath. While the other 9 of the 10 Commandments are repeats as "new rules" under the Christian covenant, the commandment on the Sabbath is not.

The apostle Paul wrote about how the Christians were being judged for not keeping the Mosaic laws and its many rituals. He wrote, "Let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths,which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ." (Colossians 2) Thus he was stating that Christians are NOT to be judged for not keeping the Sabbath. They were not required to do it.

So the idea that Christians were not to keep the sabbath was around long before the time of Constantine in the 4th century. There are all kinds of records of Christians celebrating on Sunday as early as the beginning of the 2nd century (200 years before Constantine.) Christians were already celebrating "the Lord's Day" on Sundays by 55 AD, when Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians and reminded them to take up an offering for the poor when they meet on the first day of the week (I Corinthians 16).

The reason that Christians do not keep the Sabbath is because it is not part of their covenant with God. The Jews still celebrate it because it is part of their covenant.

Not sure where you get the idea that Jesus died on Sunday. All four of the gospels are very specific that the resurrection of Jesus happened at sunrise on "the first day of the week" or Sunday. He was not crucified on Sunday. I am not aware of a single major school of thought which makes that argument.
2013-08-15 9:34 pm
The Sabbath is the 7th day of the week, what we call Saturday...

The Israelites were NOT Christians and DID NOT have the Holy Spirit inside them...

Instead, the Holy Spirit was placed into a 24 hour period of time called the Sabbath...

ANYONE who kept the Sabbath HOLY, by observing it, was honouring God under the auspices of the ten commandments that provided the foundation for the OLD COVENANT.

Christians DO NOT live under the Old Covenant, they are bound by the NEW...

Christians do not have to be Sabbath keepers because now, their ENTIRE LIFE represents ONE LONG SABBATH, because the HS resides IN US, not in a day.
2013-08-15 9:29 pm
wrong on a few things there
Jesus died on Friday and was resurrected on sunday.
Constantine did not change the Sabbath from sat to sunday.
the apostles went to worship on saturaday because that was where the jews were meeting to teach them. the apostles worshiped on sunday as shown by some of Paul's statements.

we are NOT under the 10 commandments and the old covenant but are under the NEW covenant.
in the new covenant 9 of the 10 commandments are reinstated to us to keep. the only one not reinstated is keeping the Sabbath. there are NT verses for each of these.

we are NOT authorized to keep Christmas and easter as a holy day from the bible. we are commanded to partake of the Lord's supper and by example they did it every sunday.

if you want to keep some of the old covenant and feast days and Sabbath there is nothing wrong with it but you CANNOT require it under the new covenant for salvation.
not sure if I made this point but sunday is NOT the Christians Sabbath. the Sabbath was never changed. sunday is the day of the resurrection and Pentacost and is the day to worship (min) from the new covenant. Jesus as others said is the first fruits (which is the day after the Sabbath: sunday)

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