How can I live the rest of my life happy?

2013-08-15 7:08 am
I'm ignored by everyone. I can't believe that someone could even be as lonely as me. I have no friends, no motivation to do studies on top of that I have to deal with emotional health and family issues. I just want to be happy, have at least a couple of good friends, and my goal is to get a decent job in the future. What I suppose is stopping me is mental health issues, low confidence and motivation

回答 (9)

2013-08-18 1:31 pm
1. read a lot on this subject, but do it quickly, once, and don't ever come back to it.
2. don't think too much in loops.
3. DO. just DO. dont be afraid of mistakes.
maybe you'll find something helpful in this article:
2013-08-15 8:05 am
get back to what you were doing in the past. it could make you happy, you never know.
what's your favourite hobby in the past? go and do it now.
to live happily is to get connected with people & friends around you, so don't miss it.
2013-08-15 7:35 am
True happiness is simply a by-product of a life well lived. Be honest to yourself, never steal and try to be helpful. There is no such thing as 'finding' happiness. It is in your heart and soul due to the life you have chosen to lead. A new car, house, clothes, all temp things. They will fade away. Loving ones self is all important. Everything in our life time is based on love. To start off, write down all the things you are thankful for and then build on them. The negs can be changed as you go along. There is no hurry. Relax and enjoy the changes. It's called life. Good luck.
2013-08-15 7:18 am
I guess the best way to break the slump (which is what I'm assuming you are in), is to get involved somehow. Maybe try and meet some people share common interests. You can use the meetup app or other sources to find people you could meet. Also, working out every now and then always helps improves positive thinking and general well being, so try that if you aren't doing that already.

I can definitely relate to these feelings, as I have been going to college for 2 years now and haven't made really good friends nor have I used the schooling and learning to its full potential while in college. Recently I've come up with the idea that I might just have to join some form of military like the air force or another branch, where you kind of are forced to do things and don't really have time to worry or think. Plus, I think you are surrounded by similar people, and so automatically you will make friends. That might be an extreme example, but something a long the lines of that, where you kind of have to motivate yourself, will make you get up on your feet again and enjoy life a bit more.

Hope that helps.
2013-08-15 7:16 am
Realize that feeling happiness is a state of mind, not a destination for something good to happen
as for friends, family let them go. because they only add drama, problems and complicate your life
live a life of peaceful solitude. be free and independent, do what you like to do anytime you want to with out rolling eyes
when you feel happy . good things start to happen.
2013-08-15 7:13 am
Hmm..Actually, I really know how you feel. Because I was like that. Especially during middle and high school years. Sometimes even now. Maybe you're a bit introverted like I am and it makes it more difficult to go up to people and become friends with them. The only way to become less lonely is to somehow become close to at least one or two people. From there, you can ask them to introduce you to others. Popularity is not important. If you are honest and considerate, when people get to know you, they'll talk to you. And the only way to make that one or two friends? To go up to a person you want to be friends with. If you're scared to become friends with a loud and noisy person, go up to a quiet person whom you like and introduce yourself. Really. That is it. That one minute of courage will improve your life, your studies, your emotional health and even your family issues. When you have no friends, it makes you really not want to study. to give up on life. to feel worthless. I REALLY KNOW HOW THAT FEELS. YOUR GRADES WILL REACH THE BOTTOM UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY STRONG ABOUT BEING ALONE. i hope you become less fearful and take the chance to go up to someone.
2013-08-15 7:12 am
first, you respect yourself and always think only yourself in other people.
2013-08-15 7:11 am
參考: Go out like clubbing, beach, cafe, library, and make friends and be happy .. Life is short
2013-08-15 7:10 am
Talk to people. Just be your self and don't worry be happy :-)

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