I'm done with life. And everything.?

2013-08-15 6:52 am
I ******* hate life. I'm sorry but there are no good guys out there but iif there are they were not made for me or guys just choose to be jerks around me and treat me like crap.. If you have any advice on what to do with my stupid life right now then let me know. Okay so this guy who claims he likes me got me liking him a lot, but then he was a jerk and is actually into another girl more. I was mad, but me being the naive idiot decided to give him another chance and we started talking again. Just recently, he asked me out, and I was completely shocked and decided no at first but it wasn't really a no and I said I just needed time. Now he has been completely ignoring my texts and it turns out he still likes the other girl, even though he asked me out! Call this situation stupid but I literally don't think you understand. This always happens to me!!! Why me! What the hell did I do to deserve this kind of manipulative treatment. The saddest part is that I was going to say yes to him, but now I know he doesn't even give a **** about me! I just thought he was different. But trust me, this has happened before! Other guys have treated me like a piece of **** too! I'm 15 and I'm honestly just about down with life. Right when I open up to someone they shoot me down. I also feel stupid for falling for this guys tricks more than once... That's how stupid I am. I really thought he was different. Oh yeah and even worse, me and my friends got a physic reading the other day just for fun, and I was all excited, and the lady said all good things to my friends but do you know what she said to me?! That I always attract the wrong guys and I have no confidence! I was like about to cry! What's the point of even trying for love anymore. I only attract assholes who don't care, and NO guys like me at school or anywhere. I am never gonna be in a happy relationship... At this point I just can't even picture it... That would be too good of something to happen to me. I just don't get it. I'm never gonna find love. Not a lot of guys find me pretty, and I feel I have no personality or I am just plain weird. I can picture everyone I know getting married in the future except me. I mean I feel like guys just look at me as a thing. I don't even know I just hate life it's pointless without love and I get this hopeless feeling that its not meant for me and I will never truly find it. I'm gonna go into like a long state of depression because I can't take this anymore,, I just wanna stay in my room and cry... Or die. That's always an option. Honestly what the hell do I do with my life.

回答 (7)

2013-08-15 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Guys are jerks, im sure your not the only one! Trust me!
I known girls that get played like that boys just like messin around with out heads they try the easier girls maybe your to oversensitive then they think they can get to you easy try being hard show them your different from all those girls show them your better than them!!
And you shoudnt be stressin about guys they aint ****!!
I hate boys, theyre dumd and stupid they tend to take alot of your time just messin out with you never believe what a boy tells you!
Dont take it by heart unless he shows it to yoy and if he tells you to **** with him so you can see how much he loves YOU DONTTT!!! Thats just another of their actions to get to girls you should think more about your friends,family,school your still very young !!
You shoudnt be letting any guy bring you down boys are the last part you should be worried about rightnow! & dont give up!! Put your head one day when your older and mature enough youll find the guy of your life ! Im sure about that! (: dont let fools bring you down you got a future ahead of you, dont throw it all away!! Just because of a guy!!
Start going out, hang out with your gfs go to parties dont stay in your room or youll go crazy drowning yourself onto your problems talking to ppl will help im sure(; look for somebody to talk you out of that problem your having im sure theyll help u!(:
2013-08-15 2:04 pm
I was guessing you were 30 and divorced I stopped reading when you said you are 15, your too young for this. Your a child trying to have an adult relationship with another child can you see how that is not going to work out. Just hang out with your friends and do your school.

Stop thinking about blokes until you are grown up enough to deal with and see when people are using you. If this carries on by then you are an adult you will have so many issues with trust that when someone decent does come along you will mess it.

Do you understand you are just too young, keep your legs closed and have fun with your friends then all these problems will go away.
2013-08-15 1:57 pm
Worry about ur career plan now it will make things so much easier. Get a hobby i suggest motorcycles:) stop worrying about boys so much and stop ignoreing nice guys there are many just girls tend to like to be dominated
2013-08-15 2:51 pm
I recommend Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

should help
2013-08-15 2:15 pm
Well sometimes things don't go the way you want in this life.
I know how it feels, it is like lossing connection when you lose love.
Try to find a hobby or something. I know it's must be hard for you to lose love but all you can do right now is to keep moving on and get back on task, that's life.
Don't worry about losing one or two boyfriends, you can always find another one in the future, so don't stress yourself out. Most importantly, you need to keep moving on with your life and keep doing the hobbies that you enjoy doing, play games, whatever, try not to overreach it.
參考: Life
2013-08-15 2:07 pm
dude....... you are 15.... you'll met a guy just stop looking and something will come. I use to be in your situation, literally I have experienced that many, many times. and it is ****. but keep calm. you'll find something. maybe you are looking at the wrong section of men. so maybe you need to look at others. my type are nerds, geeks, gamers, and smart people. maybe open your views and types. not saying you should go for the fat greasy nerd...... unless you want to, it is your choice. and yes all men are jerks one way or another. so just stop looking but don't give up on love. I'm 18, I stopped looking and now I got a fiancé. so just calm down. be patient and don't frantically search the world. maybe there is a guy at school you haven't noticed. I wish you well in finding a man!
2013-08-15 2:02 pm
OMG! What a downer!

Did u had sex with him? Otherwise no need to cry over text messages
Plus he ask u out, and said no, so he move on, what do you expect?
U should said yes, I would said yes to him doesn't work.

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