I think this is a GREAT Y!Answers idea..what do you think?

2013-08-15 1:12 am
Tons of people come here, and so yahoo gets paid zillions of dollars by advertisers because the advertisers want people to come to THEIR sites too.

SO, my idea is to ask yahoo for a little kick back. Make the points system start over and be completely new, but have points be worth something to cash in on like for gift cards or pay pal or something. I mean if we are coming here as often as we are, who says we aren't telling our friends about ads too?...


-- yah the likelihood of it happening is slim to zilch lol... but one could hope for the points to actually MEAN something right?...


starting over wouldn't mean anything new because the points don't mean anything now... they are just a status symbol meaning we have no life and we just sit and rack up useless points. And I didn't say anything about a coffee cup... it would be for money or gift cards. I look at ads or sometimes do a survey on MyPoints.com and get gift cards all the time... Olive Garden, Target, Home Depot and so on... it's super easy.. just wish yahoo would do something similar.

回答 (4)

2013-08-15 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Too late they have seen many people will do for free as a game.
2013-08-15 8:15 am
Too easy to cheat. It will never happen. I am not going to start over after 6 years to get a coffee cup.

2013-08-15 8:14 am
Nice idea but it will never happen.
2013-08-15 10:30 pm
Where are Y! going to get that money for the kick back?

Clearly they are not earning enough otherwise there would be no need for the additional advertising. Google Answers failed for being such a site anyway.

Personally I would rather they invested any funds they have in a stable site with features that users actually want

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