加拿大, 澳洲, 紐西蘭是不是global taxation

2013-08-13 11:19 pm
以我所知, 美國是global taxation
只是你是美國公民, 但你在外國生活例如中國生活. 在中國的收入, 美國政府都有權利向這個公民抽取在中國收入的稅項

我想問, 加拿大, 澳洲, 紐西蘭是不是global taxation

回答 (2)

2013-08-13 11:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All 3 countries share the same tax treatment - yes and no.

Yes - if the income was generated when the citizen (or qualified tax person) is considered in the country (in some cases, residing in a host country which has a tax treaty with the home country may be considered as in the country), then the income will not be excluded.

No - if the income was generated when the citizen is not considered as a resident, then the income will be excluded.

For example - a stock brokerage account.

If the person is living in Australia/Canada/New Zealand when the stock is sold and a profit has been made, capital gain tax liability will be resulted.

However, if such citizen is living in Hong Kong while the trade is made, then there will be not capital gain tax liability providing the citizen complies with the country's law in declaring residency. At the least, Canada requires citizens to declare nonresident for tax purpose.
2013-08-15 4:18 am

拿到美國公民後,如果你一年365 天裡在海外住了超過330天,你可以有八萬多美元的免稅額。美國稅賦比較重,如果你在美國住,拿美國薪水,享受著高水準的生活,繳高一點的稅是值得的。

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:34:36
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