Do extras (UK) get fake cigarettes to smoke on set?

2013-08-12 8:09 pm
I'm applying to be an extra and they're asking if I'm happy to smoke. I couldn't smoke real cigarettes because of the health risk- does anyone know whether they supply fake ones?

As was implied in the question, I haven't answered them yet...

回答 (4)

2013-08-12 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Only smoke with your mouth. Don't use your lungs. You should have said that you were not happy to smoke if that was the case. I'm sorry, but it's their movies and they need the people in the background smoking.
2013-08-13 10:51 am
I think so.
2013-08-13 3:11 am
I've never heard of that; I suppose they do have those electronic ones now tho. If I wanted a part badly enough I'd have lit up, even if I hadn't smoked at the time. I've done worse for parts.
2013-08-13 3:14 am
ask Bill Clinton how to do this

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