
2013-08-13 1:54 am



回答 (4)

2013-08-13 3:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The relationships we have with other people, whether they are our friends or siblings, should be carefully maintained and kept in check. We should be open-hearted towards others regardless of any differences and misunderstandings we may have. By doing so, we, perhaps, will cease to have anymore arguments with each other.

Secondly, we should accept other's faults with open arms even when they disagree with us. At the same time, we should respect other people's opinions just as we expect others to respect ours. We need to strive for improvement when we fall short and accept other people's suggestions with an open mind. By doing so, there would be no more arguments and confrontations between people.

我幫你加了一點的詞 所以不會感覺斷斷續續的

2013-08-13 07:16:57 補充:
take a step back 直翻的確是對一步
可是意思不一樣 中文是讓步的意思
"let's take a step back and look at the problem"
參考: , 出國十年 美國大學英文拿A ;)
2013-08-13 4:00 pm
ter's translation is pretty good, but 艾楊's answer is flawless!
2013-08-13 3:45 pm
Getting along from person to person, good friends or brothers and sisters, whether there was a misunderstanding, we should all be large-souled, sometimes if both can take a step back, then maybe there would be no disagreement between people and peopleSecond, someone else if wrong, we should be inclusive of others, however other people their opinions or views on the matter and we are not the sameAt the same time we should respect other people's opinions, not improved, they have good ideas, you also have to respect the views of others, so that there would be no quarrels or disputes between persons and conflict
2013-08-13 2:11 am
Personal relationships, between friends or siblings,
regardless of any misunderstanding,
we should be generous mind,
sometimes if we can all take a step back,
then perhaps there won't be quarrels between people.
Second, if someone else is wrong,
we should also accommodate other people's mistakes,
but others have their own opinions or view things different from us.
At the same time we should also respect the views of others,
improve the poor, and also respect people when they have good suggestions.
That way would be no altercation between people or conflicts.

Hope that will help! ����
參考: Me

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