英文作文 (關於夢想)

2013-08-12 1:07 am
老師要我作一個關於Dream job而我的Dream job 係老師。我要一D老師的duties (最少三個) (簡單d來講即係我要teacher duties 最少三個) 唔該大家!!

回答 (4)

2013-08-12 4:05 am
-----------The three major duties for 5-----------
-----My dream job is to educate students.
-----I want to be a secondary school teacher.
-----There is a growing need for qualified teachers of secondary English.
-----I need to be in a teacher training college first before making it a career !
------Because my dream job is a teacher.

------The three major duties (for 5 marks !)
(1)prepare lessons,prepare more homework,more assessments and SBA assessment,prepare resources,Reaearch for new Information are important !
(2)mark HW=homework,identify each student's potential= 1/40! , assist them to learn,not judge !,ask for hobby ! and No bullying others !
(3)identify each emotional,love affairs, intellectual, physical,etc., conduct parent-teacher interviews, attend professional sessions on curriculum about politics, religion, society, liberal studies; etc., present a professional good model, try ask the students:-"Can you be of service to anyone=At the service of somebody ?"
------The above are my teacher's duties.
2013-08-12 3:43 am
Teacher's duties:

Pass knowledge
Facilitate learning
guiding directions
Remedial work
Enhancement work
Setting exam/ test papers
Assessing students' progress
Administrative work
2013-08-12 1:30 am
prepare lessons, making students as interesting as possible

prepare homework, assignments and assessment

research information to ensure the knowledge they impart is current

mark homework and pieces of assessment

identify the needs of individual students in their classes, and work to help each child develop his or her own potential

prepare resources for the classroom

confer with students over their work

assist children to learn, not judge their inability to learn

identify emotional, intellectual, physical, etc issues which may be hindering the student from learning to his/her best potential, and research and recommend courses of action

conduct parent-teacher interviews

provide a sounding board (for both students and teachers) and allow for open discussion

attend professional development sessions to improve his/her own teaching methods and curriculum

present a professional but caring persona at all times

Treat students with respect, and teach them to treat others with respect
參考: Answers
2013-08-12 1:25 am
dream to be a good teacher  我想做一位老师,这样我手下的许许多多的学生就都能够很快乐的成长。   I want to be a teacher, so I have many students are very happy.  上课时,我不会照本宣读而是让同学们自由学习,自由发挥,展开想象的翅膀;下课时,我不会拖堂,更不会沾用同学们休息的时间,因为下课的时间是属于同学们的,老师没有权利占用,更没有权利剥夺同学们的时间 。放学时,我不会布置太多作业,因为我知道现在大家的压力都很大,我要让我的同学们暂时放下手中的烦恼,抛开杂念,尽情的玩耍,在书海中遨游,让书香把同学们罐醉,沉浸在书香里能让大家开阔视野,丰富知识。   In class, I'm not scripted but let the students study freely, free to play, the wings of imagination; after class, I will not delay, but not with the rest with the students of the time, because time is belong to the students, the teacher does not have the right to occupy, have no right to deprive students of the time. After school, I don't assign too much homework, because now I know you are all under a lot of pressure, I want my students to temporarily put aside the hands of the troubles, put aside thoughts, play, travel in the sea of books, let the books to the students drunk, immersed to allow the home to broaden our horizons in the scholarly, rich in knowledge.  我在一一了解了同学们的爱好后还要向校长提议开设拓展型课程,丰富同学的课余时间,也让大家把自己喜欢的课程学的更好.   I know in one one students to the principal hobby even after offering extension courses, enrich the students spare time, also let everyone take their love of course better.  下课时,我会和同学们一起玩耍,和同学打成一片。要是有同学不高兴了,被欺负了,我会主动和他们谈心,安慰他们,我还要和他们交朋友。   After class, I play with my classmates, and my classmates become integrated with. If students do not happy, being bullied, I will take the initiative to talk to them, comfort them, I want to make friends with them.  当然我的同学要是范了错,欺负别人,我也不会帮着他们,虽然他们是我的同学,但是我也要批评他们,不能因为他们是我的学生就让着他们。   Of course, my classmates if fan wrong, bullying others, I also can't help them, though they are my classmates, but I also want to criticize them, not because they are my students and let them.  总之我会努力做一个好老师,做一个让同学们喜欢的好老师!Anyway, I will try to be a good teacher, a good teacher let the students love!(本文来自作文库原创:http://www.zuowenku.net/281452.shtml)

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