
2013-08-11 7:24 pm


回答 (7)

2013-08-12 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你要知道為什麼驗眼? 驗什麼?
例如 regular check up (例行驗眼), 看看眼睛近視/遠視 有無深到, 是否需要換過副眼鏡? 還是眼痛或其他毛病?

Optometrist (視光師)
The main duty of an optometrist is to assess vision and establishing whether glasses or contact lenses are needed to correct any visual defects. They can prescribe appropriate glasses or contact lenses to correct it. Optometrists are not qualified to diagnose or treat actual disorders of the eye but will refer patients requiring further treatment to an ophthalmologist

Ophthalmologist (眼科醫生)
Ophthalmologists not only do the assessment of vision and prescribe glasses/contact lenses, but also diagnose and perform surgery to treat the eye disorders if required, such as cataracts (白內障), glaucoma (青光眼), retina detachment (视網膜剝離), and obstruction of tear ducts (淚管塞).

Vision Test
These tests are performed to measure a number of variables – the acuity (敏銳) of a patient’s distance vision and the power of lenses he or she may need (visual acuity and refraction tests), the extent of peripheral vision (visual field test) and the ability to focus on near objects (accommodation tests). Vision test is only part of eye examination. It is done to discover whether the patient has the following:~
Myopia (commonly called short-sightedness) 近視
Hypermetropia (commonly called long-sightedness) 遠視
Astigmatism 散光
Presbyopia 老花眼

Eye Examination
During the eye examination, the ophthalmologist checks external appearance, eye movement, visual acuity, visual field and colour vision. The eyes are checked for the presence of squint (斜視眼), abrasions (磨損), and ulcers (潰瘍). Measurement of the pressure (眼壓) within the eye is routine test for glaucoma. Snell chart is used to check visual acuity of each eye, the patient’s ability to read letters of different sizes from the same distance is assessed. Eye examinations are performed to determine the cause of vision disturbance or other symptoms relating to the eyes, and to assess whether or not glasses are necessary.

2013-08-12 09:58:17 補充:

驗眼度數, 取處方 (prescription) 配副眼鏡, 見視光師,其他眼睛毛病, 見眼科醫生
希望你知道基本驗眼的來龍去脈, learn a few terms, 才能溝通

Optician (眼鏡商)
~ a person whose job is to sell eyeglasses and contact lenses, to make sure that they fit correctly, and sometimes to make eyeglasses.

2013-08-13 04:23:40 補充:
有張 prescription 紙, 去眼鏡鋪買OK, 自己選擇款和顏色, 等幾天才取眼鏡
如果無什麼事, 見視光師 routine check up 便OK, 發現 symptom (症狀)才見眼科醫生
見眼科醫生要視光師或家庭醫生 referral, 有時排期會長
福利國家 (加拿大), 不用自己付費
如果在美國, 沒有公司或自己買有 medical insurance, 醫生費很貴
參考: Family Health - British Medical Association
2013-08-14 3:08 am
i just want to have an eye test please
參考: Google and myself
2013-08-12 7:09 am
當然,optometrist 驗光師或ophthalmologist 眼科醫生可以為你進行 eye test 或 eye exam。但通常情況下,你應該這樣問:
“我可以得到我的眼鏡處方嗎?”(= 我可以驗光嗎?)
Can I get a prescription 眼鏡處方for my glasses?
[ 否則,他可能會為你進行青光眼或白內障的測試。]

2013-08-12 12:03:01 補充:
在國外,人們只可憑驗光師Optometrist 或眼科醫生ophthalmologists 開具的眼鏡處方 prescription,才能到 optician眼鏡商 配備一副有度數的眼鏡 prescription glasses。

2013-08-12 4:36 am
ophthalmic optician=optomertrist=simply optician
Excuse me. Can you examine my eyes ,Dr.?
Excuse me. Can you check my eyesight,Dr.?
Can you show the test-record?
Any recommendation?
Short eye-sighted Or long eye-sighted?
Sell glasses through work-shop?
Are these expensive lenses?
Will be back later
2013-08-11 9:07 pm
Excuse me, I would like to check my eyesight.

Excuse me / Hi, I wonder if it's possible to check my eyesight here only?

Yes, thanks.(好呀,唔該晒。)

Oh, nevermind. Thanks a lot anyway. I would come back later if I need.


2013-08-11 13:58:32 補充:
eye examination 同 eye exam 兩者都係正確講法。

2013-08-11 13:59:23 補充:
你可以將 check my eyesight 改成 have an eye examination/exam

2013-08-11 14:00:11 補充:
其實視光師定係眼科醫生係冇分別囉,你都係問啲 staff 先架啦 - -
參考: 自己
2013-08-11 7:42 pm
Vision check
Vision test
2013-08-11 7:28 pm

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