doppler's effect??

2013-08-10 9:05 pm
You are standing on the road. When a car is moving towards you,
you hear a frequency of 80Hz. When the car is moving away from you,
you hear a frequency of 60Hz. What is the speed of the car?
The speed of sound is 343 m/s.

回答 (1)

2013-08-10 11:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since it is the sound soure that is moving, use the Doppler Effect formula, the apparent frequency f is:

f = (fo)[c/(c-v)]
where fo is the original frequency of sound
c is the speed of sound in air
v is the speed of the sound source (+ve if moving towards the observor, and -ve if moving away from the oberveor)

Hence, 80 = (fo)[343/(343-v)]
and 60 = (fo)[343/(343+v)]

Dividing, 80/60 = (343+v)/(343-v)
i.e. v = 49 m/s

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