
2013-08-10 5:34 pm
近日两前高官被判罪成,但緩刑两年,咁即喺唔使坐監? 两年內是否不能犯同一罪行?或一切犯法行為? 或小事如扔垃圾,否則即時入獄? 咁既然緩刑点解又要上訴? 有疑團,請賜教!

回答 (3)

2013-08-12 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
緩刑是唔使坐監,两年內不要犯一切犯法行為就無須坐那两年監但為何緩刑点解又要上訴,因會有案底,有很多國家不准有案底的人申請為該國公民如美國、エ作受到限制如不能再做政府官員。Hope can help you!
參考: myself
2013-08-10 6:53 pm
1. Yes (you are correct).

2. Anything.

3. The key issue is their retirements. The conviction implies misconduct when they are in the office. In that case, the appeal focuses on the conviction itself.

In other word, prison time is not the issue. The money is the issue.
2013-08-10 6:18 pm

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