When Jesus walked on the water how much would he weigh? If zero, how could he then get traction to move?

2013-08-09 8:50 pm

回答 (11)

2013-08-09 8:52 pm
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It has been proven you can walk on a swimming pool filled with custard. Perhaps Jesus merely altered the water immediately beneath each footstep to the chemical consistency of custard, with it reverting to water as he moved on! Economy of effort, you see...
2013-08-10 3:52 am
Don't know, but it couldn't have been more difficult than creating the universe.
2013-08-10 3:52 am
I've seen magicians use wires to walk on water. It's not that amazing.
2013-08-10 3:51 am

David Copperfield did the same thing, and I think he was about 6'2" and 185 lbs.
2013-08-10 3:51 am
He probably weighed around 185 pounds.
2013-08-10 3:53 am
he is supernatural meaning nothing is impossible for him

Mat 19:26 But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
2013-08-10 3:51 am
if not zero then it most be 1

you know there are animals that walk on water right? I wonder how much they weigh
2013-08-10 4:10 am
He didn't weigh any less. That's why it's called a miracle.
2013-08-10 4:07 am
we don't know that jesus walked on water, heck we aren't even sure if jesus in the biblical sense existed.

words written on a page in a book - that's all we really have here.

Funny how god/jesus could have done their miracles in an age when it could have been video taped or verified but didn't...hmmmm

so, it's not WHEN jesus walked on water --> that suggests that it actually happened.
we don't know that.

one thing we do know is that humans cannot walk on water.

unless it is frozen of course...LOL
2013-08-10 12:30 pm
During the Indonesian Revival, a small team of lay preachers did the same. They had been sent by The Spirit to preach in a village, not realizing the river was in flood, and there was no bridge.
Some Muslims crowded to laugh at them, for not knowing they could not pass. One of them finally said:
"God TOLD us to "GO," so I AM GOING- YOU do whatever you like!"
He stepped into the raging water, and.... Was NOT swept away.
2013-08-10 3:52 am
Weight meant nothing to Him, He is 100% man and 100% God so He can do everything

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