What is this Gem boy thinking?

2013-08-09 11:03 am
I am an Aries girl...and I had a really sweet and intimate date with this Gem boy. But after this date, the boy didn't contact me for a few days. I did try text him, but he just didn't reply.

What is he actually thinking..or planning to do...?

回答 (1)

2013-08-17 5:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
You've asked this question in terms of Astrology, but actually, this question has more to do with male-female dynamics.

The natural order of the universe is this: men chase women... not the other way around.

Being an Aries means that you are a very dynamic person and go after what you want. But, being a girl means you have to guage very carefully when, where, and how you do this.

When it comes to romantic relationships, you really have to back-off and let the man chase you. If he doesn't, drop him and move on. Don't text, don't call, don't drive by his house, *lol*, etc etc. LET him be 'the man' and chase you down. The most you should do is let him know that you're interested, that you would gladly receive his advances. Then, let it be.

Being a Gemini male, he's gonna mull things over... it's his nature. He hasn't forgotten you, he just has to think, think, think about all the ramifications of getting involved... not necessarily with you... but with anyone. Gemini wants 'romance', but they're terrified of commitment. So, don't take it personally. They're fickle and hate to be pinned-down.

You being an Aries, on the other hand, want to get going! 'I like you, you like me... what's the problem!?!' *lol*. Alas, when involved with a Gemini, you just have to be patient and wait for them to finish all their mental gymnastics before they're ready to really heat things up.
參考: I'm an Astrologer.

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