
2013-08-10 1:43 am

Title : A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Author : William Shakespeare
Publisher : The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd
Student : Chang Man Yiu(S3A)

Law cannot control everything. We cannot use law to force two persons love or hate each other. It is also true that fortune cannot control everything. We can overcome any challenges if we are brave and determined. I think this story ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ tells us this truth. This story was written by William Shakespeare. It is a popular and famous story.

‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ was written in 1595 by William Shakespeare after he had written ‘Romeo and Juliet’. This is a myth. The story happened in Athens. There are four main characters in the story. They are Hermia, Lysander, Demeyrius and Helena.

The story took place in the land of the Duke of Athens. Hermia and Lysander were lovers. They loved each other and wanted to get married but Hermia’s father wanted her to marry Demetrius who also loved Hermia. And if Hermia did not marry Demetrius, she should die. Therefore Hermia and Lysander decided to go through the woods and leave Athens. But in the woods the king of fairies saw Determius and Helena. He knew that Helena loved Determinus but he did not love Helena since he loved Hermia. So the king of fairies used magic on them and finally Helena and Demetrius and Hermia and Lysander married with their loved ones.

After I have read this story, I admire the lovers, Hermia and Lysander who are very brave. They are not scared when Hermia’s father forced her to marry Demetrius and threatened that she would die if she did not. They are brave and courageous and finally they can stay together. I appreciate that they can control their fate. I think nothing can stop them from loving each other.

回答 (1)

2013-08-10 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案

grade 我估都有 5 - 5*,但 5** 還差一點。


1. Language 真的不錯,有不同的 complex sentences,而且沒有錯,vocab 多樣化。但還是略嫌每句之間讀起來「不夠順」,不過主要原因是她 elaborate 得不夠,elaborate 下就能解決了。

2. 內容也不錯,尤其是開頭第一段的「導入」。可是,自己的感想仍然太少了,跟內容的比例是 1:1,起碼感想是 2、內容是 1 吧。再者,整個感想其實只是一個 point 而已,又沒有其他生活的實例 support,單調之餘「水份」亦過多。

3. 結構可以,是典型的結構。不過,太「虎頭蛇尾」了,最後起碼呼應下前面,就這樣總結好敷愆。

2013-08-09 19:00:20 補充:
應該是「穩 5 望 5*」

2013-08-09 19:05:20 補充:
如果攞唔到 5* ,主要是「內容、結構」失分,language 不錯(但問題是她考試時能發揮到這水平出來嗎?)

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