
2013-08-09 8:51 pm
1.我會考0分可唔可以去讀Canada college學一門技術(例如維修)

2.我主要目的係想透過Experience class黎移民

3. ielts四個六對留學有冇幫助??


回答 (2)

2013-08-09 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes - providing you can get yourself admitted. It is not as difficult as you see (as some people simply fail to try).

2. The issue with CEC is it requires both education and experience. So you must choose carefully.

3. Yes and no.

Yes - schools always prefer a preferred result or test score for admission.

No - If your HKCEE get 0, what is the chance you can get a 6 in total for IELTS?

Also - you need that result for CEC anyway.
2013-08-10 9:03 pm
List of colleges in Canada


Determine your eligibility-Canadian Experience Class


You need to meet these requirements to apply under the Canadian Experience Class. You must:

•plan to live outside the province of Quebec
•have at least 12 months of full-time (or an equal amount in part-time) skilled work experience in Canada in the three years before you apply,
•have gained your experience in Canada with the proper authorization
•meet the required language levels needed for your job for each language ability (speaking, reading, writing, and listening).
Skilled work experience

According to the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC), skilled work experience means:

•Managerial jobs (NOC skill type 0)
•Professional jobs (NOC skill type A)
•Technical jobs and skilled trades (NOC skill type B)
You must have at least 12 months of full-time, or an equal amount in part-time, skilled work experience. Full-time work means at least 30 hours of paid work per week.

To find out which group your job falls under, see the list of jobs and their NOC groups. Follow the steps to find the NOC group that matches your job.

If the details and list of main duties for a job under NOC skill types 0, A or B match what you did while you worked in Canada, your job is likely in that group. If it does not, look at the list to see if another job matches your experience.

If your existing work permit is about to expire you may be eligible for a bridging open work permit. Bridging open work permits allow qualified applicants to keep working while they await a final decision on their permanent residence application.

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