translation from ENG to CHIN

2013-08-08 10:44 pm
Under the new rules, private interests are described as "the financial and other interests of the officer himself, his family and other relations, his personal friends, the clubs and associations to which he belongs, any other groups of people with whom he has personal or social ties, or any person to whom he owes a favour or is obligated in any way".

( no google !)

回答 (2)

2013-08-08 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Under the new rules, private interests are described as "the financial and other interests of the officer himself, his family and other relations, his personal friends, the clubs and associations to which he belongs, any other groups of people with whom he has personal or social ties, or any person to whom he owes a favour or is obligated in any way".



參考: 自己
2013-08-08 11:24 pm
Lily, 我們不要直接用 Google Translate 的答案,因為有時它會錯,但也可以用來參考一下:



2013-08-08 15:47:54 補充:
P.S. 望月一都 譯得很好,也很快~ 果然是語文高手~

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