simple english questions

2013-08-08 10:22 pm
Vietnam's revolutionary leader

Vietnam's revolution leader
一個用了revolutionary 另一個用了 revolution
那個正確 有什麼分別?

The pull of the embalming fluid becomes still more puzzling when a country has politically moved on.
這個是被動式嗎? has politically moved on.

Lenin has so far survived several attempts to evict him from Red Square
這個是被動式嗎?has so far survived
不過has so far survived是被動式 不是就被生存了很長久?
而這句的 s v o
Lenin 是subject has so far survived 是verb
several attempts to evict him from Red Square是object?

China's politicians can still quote the sayings of Mao while pursuing policies widely at variance with his legacy.
pursuing policies widely at variance with his legacy.
廣泛奉行的政策 在違背他的遺產?
在違背他的遺產 廣泛奉行的政策?

the speed of censorship uncovered on Sina Weibo is astonishing
而這句的 s v o
the speed of censorship 是s
是 uncovered 還是 is?

It's using a translation tool provided through Microsoft's Bing search engine to convert Arabic messages into other languages
找s v o


回答 (1)

2013-08-08 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Vietnam's revolution leader
一個用了revolutionary 另一個用了 revolution
那個正確 有什麼分別?
總結回答:如果內容是講越南60年代的共產革命事件的人物應該是Vietnam’s revolution leader才對 = 胡志明但假如是在談近年對越南的政治/經濟/社會民生(假設共產主義沒有革命性的改變)的話寫成Vietnam’s revolutionary leader亦是可以的寫法。

The pull of the embalming fluid becomes still more puzzling when a country has politically moved on.
這個是被動式嗎? has politically moved on.
答:不是被動式…不看politically這個副詞(=形用動詞的形容詞)這句的動詞是… when a country has moved on[現在完成式]

Lenin has so far survived several attempts to evict him from Red Square
這個是被動式嗎?has so far survived
答:不是!類似上題…把附加的形容(so far)除去
Lenin has survied…[現在完成式]
s v o
Lenin 是subject [正確]has survived 是verb [動詞不計so far]
several attempts to evict him from Red Square是object? [可以說正確…更正確的文法是object clause]

China's politicians can still quote the sayings of Mao while pursuing policies widely at variance with his legacy.

the speed of censorship uncovered on Sina Weibo is astonishing
s v o
the speed of censorship 是s [正確]
is astonishing是verb [simple present continuous tense]
uncovered 只是past participle形容那speed of censorship?

It's using a translation tool provided through Microsoft's Bing search engine to convert Arabic messages into other languages
找s v oSubject = ItVerb = is usingObject = a translation tool

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