關於按摩 請幫忙中翻英 盡量口語化

2013-08-08 11:20 pm





回答 (4)

2013-08-09 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pardon me, but we do not offer that particular service.(讓他知道妳的英語很棒)
I will need (to add more) time if you want me to work more on that shoulder.
This (combo) service does not include anything on upper body. Do you want me to add (the time for) that in (for you)?
How do you like this (too heavy, too light)? (邊做邊問最洽當)
2013-08-09 6:15 pm
1. I'm sorry, we don't have this service
2. If you need to strengthen your shoulders, then you must add time
3. the service does not include the upper body, needed extra time to help you do
4. How do you feel?
2013-08-09 1:08 am
----Massage will help the pain orally---------
(1)I am sorry, we don't have this service.
(2)If you need to strengthen your shoulders on massage, you need add extra time.
(3)The service does not include the upper body, you need add extra time.
(4)How do you feel ?
2013-08-09 12:53 am
1. I'm sorry, we don't have this service.
2. If you want to massage more on your shoulders, you need to pay for more time.
3. The top body is not included in this service, you have to pay for more time.
4. How do you feel?

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