To Christians who claim that atheists 'wouldn't believe, however much proof they had'.....?

2013-08-08 5:38 am
.....are you claiming God is not omnipotent, and is unable to convince everyone of his existence?

Or did you not actually think about that when you thought or said it, and were instead trying to make the point that God seems to have made people in a way that they can't believe he exists, no matter what evidence he supplies?

回答 (11)

2013-08-08 5:39 am
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God could convince them but they wouldn't like it or survive it.
2013-08-08 12:41 pm
Sounds like another faith based assertion. After all, NO evidence of a deity has been provided so far, so how could they tell how anyone would respond to evidence?
2013-08-08 12:41 pm
The Bible says God harden's the hearts of non-believers.

Meanwhile we are criticized for our non-belief by his devout followers.

... This hardly seems fair and just and loving.
2013-08-08 1:13 pm
No, and I am not a christian either, but GOD/DEITIES gave us a choice to believe or not. I would rather believe because it opens up all sorts of possibilities which you seem to believe as impossible. I can actually care less if you believe or not either. What I do care about is that you think that your NOT believing in a GOD/DEITIES seems to make you better or smarter than those who experience and see so much more with that belief than you do with your burden of need of proof. You, who say GOD made you that way are again blaming GOD for your choice of ignoring proof of the existence of Miracles which prove the existence of a GOD/DEITIES. And if you have a personal relationship with someone, how do you prove it if that other person is silent about it? You can believe if you open yourself to that fact, but GOD will not interfere in your choices. Why can you not extend the rest of us that same courtesy instead of telling us who do we are stupid and GOD can't be real since there is no proof. There is, but your choice is to ignore it. YOUR choice, NOT GOD'S.
2013-08-09 6:49 am
Every one will be convinced sooner or later.
Belief in God follows a inverted bell shaped curve from my observations. It is very high at birth and drops to a minimum some where about 30 and then starts to increase as it is seen most of life's pursuits and or knowledge does not satisfy the soul.
The actual amount of proof does not change- it is just that at some point most realize self reliance and self actualization does not work.
True, some never do wake up again until it is too late to change their minds.
But the proof is always there, it is just a matter of perspective.
2013-08-09 2:51 am
God sent man into the world with free will. There own right to believe what is good and evil, or how themselves were created. God would never soil his own beliefs by taking away someone's free will to believe. Because if god convinced an atheist that he exist, then god would have taken the atheist free will to believe.
2013-08-09 1:21 am
As I Christian, I cannot convert anyone nor make them believe in God. I am not called to prove God's existence, but to relay the message of God that Jesus, God's only begotten Son, died on a shameful death and resurrected Himself as the sacrifice for all humanity's sin. And only by faith in what Jesus had accomplished for us can we have eternal life.

I plant the seed, which is the gospel of Jesus, and I cannot convince anyone to accept what I said. Only God can work that seed in you to grow and make you believe and accept Jesus is Saviour of humanity and He is God.
2013-08-08 12:40 pm
God can raise children for Abraham from the rocks if he wants to.

2013-08-08 12:52 pm
Only "want to be" Theists, Agnostics and fools attempt to provide proof of or to prove a faith or a religion as it demonstrates that they do not have the "faith" and are not aware of what the essence of a faith is.
Think about it!
2013-08-09 10:27 am
God made us in his image, sacrificed his Only Son for you, Us.
You choose to deny and ask us to deny as well because of the lack of proof. And none of us can speak for those who "Thought" it up. We go by what we read in the bible our personal relationship ,and for those who like myself wanted more, read the Torah and the Quran, and really reading only Affirmed my belief and strengthened my resolve. And much of what I read was very much the same
You Atheists want some huge miracle, yet you ignore the true miracles.
God is not a showman, you will not get the david copperfield experience.
If that is what you want then you will wait and wait.

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