Suggestions to get rid of a trojan virus?

2013-08-06 3:39 am
I just completed a full system scan, and Win.32.Trojan.Agent was in the results, and is now in a quarantine.

My computer seems completely fine, with no pop-ups and low cpu levels, and I can access all files as far as I can tell... but I've seen trojans decimate computers so I'd like to get rid of it now, before anything DOES happen.

I'm on windows 7 and I have ad-aware and norton360. Normally I keep ad-aware watch off to keep from interfering with norton; but seeing as this type of virus is on my computer, I'd like some advice.

回答 (2)

2013-08-06 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Get Malwarebytes
2013-08-06 10:40 am
I would do another scan with spybot search & destroy. It is a free program and had helped me wonders back in the day when I had trojans to get rid of.
參考: good luck

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