Computer help! Zip Opener?! Is this download dangerous?

2013-08-05 8:31 pm
I wanted to download the "I Wanna Be The Guy" game after several recommendations, and so I went to the same site everyone told me to go to,, and it made me download something called "Zip Opener." I did, and now I'm getting spam ads everywhere, and still no game! Is this "Zip Opener" dangerous to my computer (I have a Dell with Windows 8 btw)?

回答 (1)

2013-08-05 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not sure about zip opener. But go to and get Malwarebytes. Update it before you run it. It's free and will remove the ads, and any other malware/adware you may have. would also have some other file extractors, that can be used for unzipping.

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