
2013-08-06 1:14 am
The alcholo contents by volume of two drinks are given as follows:
Drink A: Alcohol content 15% Drink B: Alcohol content 8%

At least how much drink A should be added to 3L of drink B, so that there is not less than 10% of alcohol by volume in the mixture?

回答 (1)

2013-08-06 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
LetV L be the volume of drink A.

Alcohol content of the mixture = (Vx15% + 3x8%) / (V + 3)

(Vx15% + 3x8%) / (V + 3) ≥ 10%
(0.15V + 0.24) / (V + 3) ≥ 0.1
0.15V + 0.24 ≥ 0.1V + 0.3
0.05V ≥ 0.06
V ≥ 0.06/0.05
V ≥ 1.2

Hence, at least 1.2 L of drink Ashould be added.
參考: sioieng

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