
2013-08-05 10:09 am
1. (村巴去灣仔) 請問每朝返工及放工時間, 上車及落車地點&時間呢?

2. 如果由兆康站搭西鐵去金鐘, 想問點轉車先最快??

謝謝幫忙 ^___^

回答 (1)

2013-08-10 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. There should have no resident bus between 叠茵庭 and Wanchai, but u may take MTR or bus routes no. 960P/S.

2. You may interchange in TST East, then go to TST. Between these 2 stations, there are not connected, passengers have to touch Octopus cards in these 2 stations within specific time.
參考: MTR

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