Korean changing the world?

2013-08-04 7:44 pm
everyone knows that Korean is changing people's lives, noodles, rice, cell phones, cars, aircraft, pizza, spaghetti are all from Korea. a lot of authorities even said that time machine and first human being with IQ 1000 would be from Korea or one has already been born.
My Korean friends said they would change the world and even universe since Korea is ranked as #1 in economy and military power now. How do we adapt such change then since usually the West is leading the change

回答 (5)

2013-08-04 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I like kimchi

I hope this was of use
2013-08-04 7:45 pm
Did you know that you can seek professional help for your delusions, and that you could also probably get signed up for a remedial English class too.

But, I own a Korean motorcycle.
2013-08-04 8:02 pm
Isn't it lucky we have people like you who can correct the history books and tell us it was not the retarded Germans who invented the automobile, the dumb Americans who built the first airplane, the stupid Italians who made the first pizza or the idiot Chinese who came up with noodles. It's just a little strange no one has ever heard about all those Korean geniuses before, probably an evil plot that will be corrected as soon as the first Korean travels back in time and straightens everything out.
2013-08-05 3:19 am
I'd laugh, but 5 years of living in Korea have taught me that a large group of the population actually believes this crap.
2013-08-04 7:46 pm
Nobody gives a sh*t about korea.

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