Jealous zodiacs response?

2013-08-04 4:45 pm
How would EACH ZODIAC respond to their bf/gf making them jealous?
Aries:Ignore that person FOREVER and say "If you want them, you can have them!"
Taurus:Sit in their room and pout all day
Gemini:Sit there listen to music and start drawing, probably go flirt with somebody else too.
Cancer:Argue over EVERYTHING and wanna fight the person they were flirting with.
Leo:I would go flirt too while i was feeling jealous deep down.
Virgo:Act out and throw things, maybe fight then cut that person off!
Scorpio:Get mad and start complaining, then sleep with somebody and feel like crap afterwards.
Aquarius:Be flighty and act like it didnt bother them when inside they are hurt
Capricorn:Talk it out then Read a book
Sagittarius:Start cursing and ignore them for a while and return.

回答 (6)

2013-08-04 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Aries: They would start a scene and probably start throwing fists. They probably would not forgive their partner for it.
Taurus: They would leave without a single word to anyone and never talk to either of them again. They would act like it doesn't hurt.
Gemini: They would act like they don't care but break up with their partner and then spread some nasty rumors.
Cancer: They would run away and not leave their house for weeks. Depending on their love, they may forgive their partner.
Leo: They would either make a scene for the attention or not say anything about it because it would hurt their pride.
Virgo: They would respectfully withdrawn from the relationship and learn to figure out who is worth trusting afterwards.
Libra: They would probably be 'okay' with it because they also have another partner on the side. They would forgive easily.
Scorpio: They would be terribly jealous and definitely get revenge as soon as possible. They would make sure everyone knows.
Sagittarius: They would be hurt but they would leave the relationship. This would not affect them all that much.
Capricorn: They would be hurt but they would be too stubborn to show it. They would probably break up with their partner and move on.
Aquarius: They would either forgive or move on from the relationship, but either way it would not affect them too much.
Pisces: They would forgive their partner if they loved them because they have a heart of gold and know people make mistakes. (However, this may get them badly burned later on in life.)
2013-08-04 5:14 pm
I'm a cap and I would just feel hurt, then turn my back and never look back. I have done this probably 3 times. I never bothered to return and some people always wondered how I could be so "cold". I must not have "cared" to simply just walk away and move on with life. The truth is that I cared... so much that the hurt that is felt cannot be reversed and has poisoned the relationship. So there's no other choice but to walk away and move on.

I do have a tendency to fight prior to just simply walking away forever. That's the Aries in me.

Now that I have to learn to stay in my relationships and not abandon them, I talk things out. I HAVE TO talk things out or I will start getting crazy and start fighting/arguing. It's either we can talk things out or we can have a meltdown and blow the house up.
參考: Cap/Cancer/Sag - Aqua Venus, Aries Mars
2013-08-04 6:37 pm
"Well.... he think he's the one that can make me jealous? I'll just pay back the same~~~"

That's what i do if my bf try to make me jealous. in the end, the "making-you-jealous-to-see-your-reaction" tactics won't work on me since i am a Scorpio..... this depth must be handle in other way rather than provoking it directly :)
2013-08-04 6:23 pm
I think it's very immature when someone tries to make someone else jealous, so if a guy or a boyfriend ever tried to make me jealous I'd just lose interest in them. I don't like and I don't date immature guys. Any chance they ever had with me would be gone. A man who truly loves you would never try to make you jealous. I don't really get jealous to be honest, I get hurt for a while and disappointed and then I get over it and move on. But as I said, any chance they ever had with me would be gone, and it's happened to me a few times.
參考: Leo
2013-08-04 5:56 pm
Lol thats kinda what i would do, if my bf was to make me jealous i would be upset and tell them the exact same thing "if you want her go have her" but thats also a test for them to see what they do.
參考: Aries
2013-08-04 5:48 pm
It would be a miracle indeed,if someone could MAKE me jealous.I think when insecurity is part of someones makeup it is easy to feel someone else controls your reactions.For me ,if someone is not compatible with's history. I don't like to waste my precious life with fighting,when it's not worth occupying space in my mind :).I'm an action person when it comes to my life.
參考: Cancer Sun conj Uranus conj Mercury conj Jupiter Cap Moon Pluto conj Leo Asc/Venus conj Pluto trine Mars in Cap

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