Christians, if you heard a voice claiming to be Allah...?

2013-08-03 11:19 am
...and telling you Islam was the correct religion, would you assume that:

A: you were hearing things that weren't there?

B: Someone was tricking you by pretending to be Allah?

C: Allah is real, and Islam is correct?

If you saw someone claiming to be a prophet of Allah, and given some of his divine powers, and you watched him perform seemingly magic tricks, and seemingly heal a few people, would you assume that:

A: This 'prophet' was lying, and just doing illusions like any magician, and was using stooges to 'heal'?

B: The prophet was genuine, and Allah is real?

If you are Muslim, then you can answer the same question by swapping anything Christian related above, with anything Islam related. If you follow any other can replace anything Christian related above with your own religion.

回答 (8)

2013-08-03 11:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
I will think I am going crazy and better do something about it.
2013-08-03 6:23 pm
The Holy Spirit reveals truth, not voices.
2013-08-03 8:20 pm
first of all, you have made a good progress here, brother:).......asking questions about Allah, muhammad and islam give a good sign that you are walking in the right road:D

secondly, i don't know why some atheists and agnostics love to assume that we need to hear voices to believe in allah/'s just like saying you are crazy in a polite way o.O:P

thirdly, we don't have blind faith in islam....if you read quran(i bet you won't read it even if i beg you)you would find many verses that encourage us to think to search.....we are not brainwashed people as you love to describe us.....we don't praise allah like robots.....we do love him......if you love your wife, you would mention her name every time...right?

fourthly, prophet muhammad was well known in his people......pagan called him "al sadik al ameen" it means the honest and noble man......he never lied to them before........he never betrayed anyone before.....and that's the morals of every prophet.

he forgave pagans when he opened mecca.....he could just command his army to kill all people in mecca....all people who used to torture him and his companions, right?

maybe you would say what the hell you are talking about......actually im talking about heaven....speaking about my beloved prophet is just like entering heaven.....sigh!!!!

fifthly, you said in your other question, that i'm a muslim coz i live in a muslim country who praise allah talk about allah all the this logic i assume that all people in Brooklyn are jerks...they have high rate of crimes there but at the same time we have good people's about choices.....i chose islam coz it doesn't contradict my nature.....that's all

sixthly, what if jesus came to me in my dream and asked me to believe in him as my god and savior should i believe in him? as i said we don't hear voices nor believe in that's way......we need evidences and logic......i can't believe that allah had killed his own baby to save me o.O......why on earth he would do this?

my Allah has no son nor allah is out of time place Allah knows the past present and Allah doesn't need us to worship him or to praise him.....we need him.

do you know mark? i mean one of the Gospel called mark and jesus said in it
"Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him." (Mark 12:32)

"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.'" (Mark 12:29)

anyway, I have read your other questions and have one don't get the idea of evil and good in this don't get the idea of free will.

hope that one day you will get it inshallah:)

your sister from the mountains of Himalaya:)
2013-08-03 6:30 pm
The prophet would have to be pure, clean, without sin or I don't follow that one.

They would have to show me great love in all the scriptures, or I don't follow it.

They have to give me a way to deal with my sinfulness (those things I can
so easily slide over, say 'oh, bad day, sorry' yet I was mean, uncaring or
I don't follow it.

Some Muslims HAVE become ex-Muslims for Christ, and yes,
it's also true that some former church goers have become Muslim.

So the hypothesis is faulty here, due to demands I have in any
belief system.

Now, I didn't even know I had those until I learned a lot about
the Muslim religion, which helped me know far more ...through
contrast about Christianity.

Sorry I can't do this because the premises are skewed.
2013-08-03 6:21 pm
參考: I assume that's how fundies talk.
2013-08-03 7:54 pm
Since I believe the bible, and I have no doubt in my mind about Jesus being God's son, anything to the contrary is a lie.
2013-08-03 7:30 pm
A & B, and A
2013-08-03 6:30 pm
Your whole diatribe is moot .. there is nothing interchangeable
between our Christian God and the false religion of Muhammad.

Jesus, my Lord is true. I know Him, and I have both witnessed
and experienced the power of His Spirit living in His people.

I trust His written word that warned us to be vigilant when fake
doctrines and false prophets would follow, contradicting Him ...
and that applies to phony "Christian" sects just as much. The
Lord Jesus said His people will be known by their "fruit" ~ the
good conduct and the harmony with His teaching.

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