
2013-08-04 3:30 am
我個名叫潘俊明 今年23歲 之前幾年都係7-11做店務助理 到幾個月前就毅然離職 讀一個港專既平面設計課程 因為我覺得始終711都唔係我理想既就業目標,咁岩比我係港專網頁睇到一個平面設計課程,自己其實一直都對設計好有興趣,所以就即刻報左名報讀,到最近終於順利完成課程,獲得左一張平面設計證書,經過兩個月尼既學習,

回答 (4)

2013-08-04 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name is Poon Chun-Ming and I am 23 years old. I was working at the famous convenient store chain 7-11, where I have been working for years, as a shop assistant, until a couple of months ago when I decided to quit the job and take a graphic design course offered by the Hong Kong College of Technology. The reason I quitted my job at that time is that working at 7-11 is not my ideal career goal. As I have always been interested in design, I immediately applied for the graphic design course when I spotted it in HKCT's website. Lately, I have completed the course and been awarded a certificate in graphic design. After these two months of learning in the course, I find out that I am really passionate about design. This is exactly what drives me to apply for this job.

參考: 自己
2013-08-04 5:19 pm
My name is Poon Chun-Ming and I am 23 years old. I was working at the famous convenient store chain 7-11, where I have been working for years, as a shop assistant, until a couple of months ago when I decided to quit the job and take a graphic design course offered by the Hong Kong College of Technology. The reason I quitted my job at that time is that working at 7-11 is not my ideal career goal. As I have always been interested in design, I immediately applied for the graphic design course when I spotted it in HKCT's website. Lately, I have completed the course and been awarded a certificate in graphic design. After these two months of learning in the course, I find out that I am really passionate about design. This is exactly what drives me to apply for this job.
2013-08-04 11:34 am

I would like to introduce myself being Mr.Poon Chun-ming, 23 of age. Previously, I had been working as an assistant in Seven-Eleven shop for several years. After having resigned, I changed my mind to attend the course in Hongkong Polytechnic College instead. As I found that course over the internet and interested in its horizontal plane design then I enrolled and completed all lessons as required. After having passed the exam, I obtained a diploma in horizontal plane design with a earnest hope so as to devote my knowledge and technique to that field. So, I apply for the post as being offered and hope you can consider to grant me an interview. Thank you very much.
參考: Myself
2013-08-04 10:08 am
My name is Poon Chun Mingand I am 23 years old. I had worked asoperations assistant in 7-11 for a few years, and I resigned just a few monthsago. I enrolled in a graphic designcourse in HKCT since my ultimate goal is not going to be working in 7-11. I had found this course in the HKCT website,and I am really interested to further my studies in this field. I had completed this course with flyingcolors recently and had been granted for a certificate. With two months training in the graphic designfield, I certainly confirmed my enthusiasm in the designing field. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, Idecided to apply for this particular position.

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