As a Single Mom Can I Move Out Of State...?

2013-08-03 12:46 am
Ok so My daughters Father and I went to court in December 2012 to establish everything like visitation his rules for visitation and child support and holidays and everything like that... But Im planning to move to CA i live in Idaho currently and my family is all moving either out of town or out of state and so I really won't have anyone here my daughter's dad lives here and his mom and sisters but in court we never went over if i wanted to move out of state if that would be allowed. Her dad doesnt like the idea but he said if i needed to move there he would have to think about it. so i guess my question is, do i need to get his permission or the courts and if he tells me no and i asked the court how can i get a more positive answer on my behalf?
-Thank You

回答 (6)

2013-08-03 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He cannot block you from moving but in some states your child could have to live in the same state as your original custody was established.

However if you can figure out a good visitation schedule so the child Dad doesn't miss your daughters growing up ..then you can go where you want too..You need to get his agreement in writing.. even better get it notarized at your local bank..
2013-08-05 12:53 am
The Court permission maybe the two of you as parents can make visiting rights ways she can see her dad who pays for the visits and so forth then address the court with a agreement this will make it easier for the court to agree on the move.
2013-08-03 11:57 am
That is odd. Most US States stipulate in the custody order that neither parent can move more than 100 mils away without the other's consent. A judge would remind you that YOU chose to have a child with this guy so now you must live with those consequences and that means sacrifice. Unless you can show compelling evidence that the move is in your child's best interests (not YOURS) such as needing specialized medical care that only doctors in this new location can provide, specialized schooling due to serious learning disability, etc. I would double and triple check your order.

Go to your local family court and ask fro them to look at your file and see what it says.

Taking a child away from its other parent is never a good idea. It is difficult to be a good father two weeks a year over the summer and on holidays. It no longer about you and what you want.
2013-08-03 11:25 am
If your daughter has a good relationship with him it could have a devastating effect on their relationship to move her out-of-state. What a gift to have a children's father died when they were 4,5 & 9. Now they are all in their teens and it would be wonderful to have the benefits a father brings into a child's life emotionally. Especially now when dating is an issue.

Anyway, as for your question, it is typically okay if father agrees. Good dad's will not. Would you let him take her out of state? I understand your family is moving but your daughter's well-being comes first.
2013-08-03 7:51 am
You have an existing parenting agreement, which includes some provisions for shared custody and visitation. By moving out of state, that may end up affecting those visitation provisions. Your ex-husband won't be able to pick up your daughter from school every other tuesday, or whatever your agreement may state.

So you and your ex need to establish an agreement, and if you are unable to agree on it between the two of you, then maybe you need to go to court.

Its relevant how old is the daughter? If she is very young still, then this is a bigger deal than if she's 16 or so.

If you ask me, you should both get your daughter's permission to do whatever you are going to do.
2013-08-03 7:48 am

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