Christians, did God create the desires in beings to choose to use their free will to do bad things...?

2013-08-02 11:25 am
....or things that God wouldn't like?

Or did he not create EVERYTHING?

@ Stimpy: "You won't get an answer that makes any sense out of Christians, or out of Christianity." Indeed you're right, but it's good fun watching them try. __________ @Sam: "The choice is between reality and unreality." Well you've created a metaphor for good and evil, but it still ends up with one 'choosing' between them. I'm asking what caused the desire that causes the 'choice'. _________ @Peter: "God does not interfere with free will." I never said he interfered with our free will. I am asking whether he created the desires to choose to use one's free will in a good or bad way, or not. "He hopes we make the right decision" So he hopes some other being didn't create the desires to choose make the wrong decision, or he hopes HE didn't create the desire to choose to make the wrong decision?.


______ @Lisbeth: "But no, God never gave us evil desires. That came from the sin nature after Adam and Eve did what they did in the garden." So who created sin nature? And who created in Adam and Eve the desires to choose to use their free will to do something God wouldn't like? "And unfortunately it was passed on down to us." And who created the method in which this would happen? "Yes we were given free will, as all the angels in heaven were given free will, i.e. Lucifer, but the ability of choice was given to us." I didn't say we didn't have a choice. I'm asking who created the desires to choose to make our choices? Who created in Lucifer the desire to choose to use his free will to do things God wouldn't like?


________ @Sam: " EDIT : G F . It boils down as ; To be or not to be ." And my question still remains: 'did God create the desires to choose to be or not to be', or did someone/something else? _______ @Shadae Cooper: "Not everyone will go to heaven because not everyone Believes. and those who didn't want to believe basically do not deserve to have eternal life with God because you doubted him and your turned against him." This is the typical response of a confused or dishonest Christian, when asked to explain why God won't save those that don't believe. Not believing is NOT the same as not WANTING to believe. IF there is a God that rewards belief in him, then OF COURSE I'd want to believe in him to get my reward. And claiming I've 'turned against him' and 'doubted' him is misleading at best, and a lie at worse. I doubt he exists - you've worded it as if I know he exists but doubt how good he is. And no, I have NOT


'turned against him' - I don't realise he exists to turn against. However, ALL of what you wrote was entirely irrelevant to what I asked. I'm asking whether your god (if he's real) created the desires in people to choose to use their free will to do bad, or whether he DID NOT CREATE EVERYTHING. Dancing round my question does not answer it.


_________ @Laurence: "God did not create evil desires." So you're saying God did not create everything? "People warped their own nature when they chose to embrace evil." So God created a mechanism in which if someone chooses to do evil, their nature becomes warped? Or was this something else he didn't create too? And I'm not talking about what happens AFTER someone chooses to do a bad thing. I'm asking whether God created the desires to choose to use one's free will to do bad, or whether he didn't create those desires. You said he didn't create them, so what caused these desires if it wasn't him? "It has been proven that the thoughts you think actually change your DNA and pass on to the next generation." If that were true, then who created the process in which a being's thoughts changes their DNA? ________


@Fuzzy: " Well, thank you. What an incentive to answer your question" The incentive should be that you've be asked an awkward question about your god, and you have the chance to publically display your argument. "and then, of course, you are going to choose the best answer from an atheists as most of you guys do when you ask questions of Christians." I'm sorry you care more about the points, than getting your point across. "As we are shown, without law there is no sin. Thus it is the law that makes things good or evil. Our desires are besides that point since some people want this but not that, and vice versa." No, our desires are NOT beside the point. If you desire to do the right thing, then you do the right thing BECAUSE YOU DESIRED TO. "When we refuse to control our desires deliberately" ......because we desire to 'not control our desires'.... "He gave us the laws, and he gave us the right to do good and to do ev


evil. But in doing so, he also told us that we will suffer the consequences of our actions." Yes but I'm not about the consequences of our actions. I'm on about the actions being the consequences of our desires to do those actions or not, and I'm asking whether God made desires to choose to use one's free will to do an action, or whether he didn't create everything. "For example the law says that you have to pay taxes. If you don't and the tax man finds out, you suffer the consequences." So if someone desires to pay their taxes and not risk punishment then they pay their taxes. They didn't 'choose' to have that desire. "Thus this principle is the same whether you break society's laws or God's - consequences follow; however, in God's case there is no avoiding detection." As I said, I'm not on about the consequences of our actions. I'm on about the causes of our desires to choose to choose those action


I'm on about the causes of our desires to choose those actions. Something you've COMPLETELY failed to address. " "It's good to watch them try!" What kind of hubris you posses." And yet you went ahead and proved what a joke the response from a theist would be. You attacked, diverted, danced, you certainly wrote plenty of words, and yet STILL, you failed to answer what I asked. Whether or not I thought the responses would be funny or not is irrelevant. You had the opportunity to address what I asked, and instead of doing that, you avoided it.

回答 (7)

2013-08-02 11:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
You won't get an answer that makes any sense out of Christians, or out of Christianity.
2013-08-02 6:32 pm
I believe everyone was given the knowledge of right from wrong, but God does not interfere with free will. He hopes we make the right decision, but he does not want to interfere with our choices.
2013-08-02 10:18 pm
Quote: "You won't get an answer that makes any sense out of Christians, or out of Christianity."

Well, thank you. What an incentive to answer your question, and then, of course, you are going to choose the best answer from an atheists as most of you guys do when you ask questions of Christians.

As we are shown, without law there is no sin. Thus it is the law that makes things good or evil. Our desires are besides that point since some people want this but not that, and vice versa.

However, once the law has established what is good and evil, murder, theft, drinking coffee, having sex with your married spouse, or having sex with another man's wife, then we see that our knowledge of the law and our desires at times need to be controlled. When we refuse to control our desires deliberately while fully knowing that the act contemplated is 'evil' then our free will takes us down the wrong road and punishment follows. This is as God wills it.

He gave us the laws, and he gave us the right to do good and to do evil. But in doing so, he also told us that we will suffer the consequences of our actions. For example the law says that you have to pay taxes. If you don't and the tax man finds out, you suffer the consequences.

Thus this principle is the same whether you break society's laws or God's - consequences follow; however, in God's case there is no avoiding detection.

"It's good to watch them try!"
What kind of hubris you posses. You do not suffer from an inferior complex for sure. It must be nice to feel so superior despite your beliefs being such garbage.

Try reading Richard Milton.
Choosing answer:
Actually, I do not care about the points, the points are pointless to me. However, when atheists ask Christians and then choose an atheist answer that simply throws more excrement on us, that is just distasteful.

Answering this question:
I guess you were right, I did not answer this question. I went for all the little details that annoyed me with your comments since they so displayed a negative attitude toward those you seemed to want to communicate with. So it was your insincerity that I went for since the question seemed to take second fiddle.

However, here is the answer:
1 John 2: 16 because everything in the world-

-----> the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life-does not originate with the Father,
----> but originates with the world.
17 Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.

It is interesting to note that it also seems that some Buddhist dogma is to leave all desires for material goods behind and attain this enlightened state.(not really all that familiar with their teachings)

Thus we have within us the ability to create desires for what we see and many like to simply be able to look at things, point at them and brag 'these are mine,' and 'I have more than you do' rather than simply having what is needed for normal comfort. In Danish, there is a word for excessive greed. It is 'having illness' - a word I was impressed with when I learned it. This the Bible condemns for it is evil and not from God.
2013-08-02 7:41 pm
God did not create evil desires.
People warped their own nature when they chose to embrace evil.
It has been proven that the thoughts you think actually change your DNA and pass on to the nex generation.
2013-08-02 6:53 pm
Don't you love to be loved?
Don't you love that comfortable feeling you get after you wake up from a good sleep or if when your falling asleep?
Don't you love how your body feels when you take a nice Hot/warm bath or shower?
Don't you love the comfortable feeling when someone is massaging your shoulders or your back?

There a whole bunch more to ask. Pleasure. You know theres a God when you feel lovely things.

Someone up there must love us so much to let us feel these lovley things. I know theres a God. I wont be stupid, I know someone create us, the way our brain and body functions is the proof that there is a God.

The birds, the trees, birth, the ocean, water, air, how the sun is a perfect distance from the earth, how plants grown, gravity, rain, etc... its all amazing how everything works so perfectly. The proof of God is everywhere around you. If you don't wanna believe then that's you and nobody is forcing you to believe..... But im telling you now

In this whole world there are much more people who believe that theres a God more than than people who don't....

No wonder why the bible says not everyone will go to heaven, and I understand why. Not everyone will go to heaven because not everyone Believes. and those who didn't want to believe basically do not deserve to have eternal life with God because you doubted him and your turned against him.

I don't want that to happen to me. I want eternal Life, I love my God cause I know he loves me. I\Science has proven so many things. Even a whole lot of scientist believe theres a higher being.

I know there is too its not hard to see.
2013-08-02 6:43 pm
That is an interesting question. But no, God never gave us evil desires. That came from the sin nature after Adam and Eve did what they did in the garden. And unfortunately it was passed on down to us. Yes we were given free will, as all the angels in heaven were given free will, i.e. Lucifer, but the ability of choice was given to us. Therefore we are ultimately accountable for our actions.
2013-08-02 6:30 pm
Goodness is, like it's source, real and good . Evil [badness] is unreal . The choice is between reality and unreality.
EDIT : G F . It boils down as ; To be or not to be .

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