
2013-08-02 5:07 pm
由於客人本周出貨的貨櫃有併了一些其他工廠的貨物,所以原本要出的500pcs A產品這次只出了450pcs,所以我想跟客人說以下:


1. 請知悉本周的貨櫃沒有出貨50pcs的產品A,將會和上次少出的1pc產品B一起放到下個貨櫃出貨,謝謝


回答 (3)

2013-08-02 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
出貨短少不宜只告知客戶於下個貨櫃補上, 應先說原因, 以示對該訂單的尊重.


Dear Xxxx,

As a result of loading in priority the goods from another source, this
container contains 450 pcs of product A instead of your ordered 500
pcs. The short 50 pcs of product A together with the previously short
1 pc of product B will be included in the next shipment.

Your kind understanding is highly appreciated.

Best regards,
Xxxx Xxxx
參考: 羅莉 - 國貿專業經驗
2013-08-02 8:53 pm

Please be informed that this week no shipment of a container of 50pcs product a, and the last few 1pc product b into your next container shipment, thank you
2013-08-02 6:40 pm
Please be informed that the rest 50 pcs of A will be delivered with 1 pc of previous item B in next shipment, thank you.

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